Christening Record – Laurits Peter Jensen

If you’ll remember, FamilySearch was not very accurate with its information for Christine Funk/Lund and her husband Peter Jensen. Their marriage date of 1861 has been disproven and fixed to the correct 28 Apr 1865.

In the 1870 Danish Census I found the couple living in the Nylarsker parish with two children, Anine Margrete Jensen (age 3), and Laurits Peter Jensen (age 1).

FamilySearch had a Lauritz (Lewis, actually) listed as being born about 1861. In the census, however, he is 1 year old in 1870. So, the search began.

I started in 1860 just to be sure and checked all the Laurtis’. There were a few, but none where a good match except for this one — (Note: It appears that the priest wrote the witnesses on the wrong line – you can see that the previous baby didn’t have a name so he miss placed it and then marked it for entry 5 – I’ve highlighted the relevant entries.)

Source: Danish State Archives, “Kirkebøger,” digital images, Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline ( : downloaded 7 November 2011), Laurits Peter Jensen Christening Record; Nylarsker Parish, 1868, p. 14, no. 5.





Aar og Datum

Year and Date

d. 16d Fe

bruar 1868

16 February


Barnets fulde Navn

Child’s full name

Laurits Peter Jensen

Daabens Datum enten i Kirken eller hjemme

Christening Date either in the church or at home

d. 29 Marts


i Kirken

29 March


at the church

Forældres Navn, Stand, Haandtering og Opholdsted

Parents’ Name, Social Position, Occupation and Residence

Fisker Peder Jensen

i Arnager og Hustru

Claudine Christine

Funch, 27 Aar gl.

Fisherman Peder Jensen

of Arnager and wife

Claudine Christine

Funch, 27 years old

[Note from JensenJN (From FamilySearch forum): “gl.” = abbreviation for “ammel” = “old”]

Faddernes Navne, Stand og Opholdsted

Witnesses’ Names, Social Position and Residence

Bærkone: Fisker Jacob Steenbergs Hustru Anna Kirstine

Pedersdatter I Arnager

Faddere: Daglejer Hans Peter Marker i Arnager

Daglejer Andreas Peter Hansen i Aakirkeby

Christiane Gul?? Maria Steenberg, Datter

af fisker Jacob Steenberg i Arnager.

Godmother: Fisherman Jacob Steenberg’s wife Anna Kirstine

Pedersdatter of Arnager

Witnesses: Day laborer Hans Peter Marker of Arnager

Day laborer Andreas Peter Hansen of Aakirkeby

Christiane Gul? Maria Steenberg, daughter

of fisherman Jacob Steenberg of Arnager.

[Note from JensenJN: Bærkone (Carry woman) I have never seen that word before, but from the name context there is no doub t that this is the lady, who carried the child to the christening.]

Hvor anført i det alm. Jevnf. Reg. [almindelige Jevnførelses Register]

Where posted in the Index Register

no. 16/38

[Note from JensenJN: I looked up the reference and there is no other information about Lautitz Peter Jensen than his christening. It is only the entry of the witnesses where he placed them wrong. The other entries are made in the proper line.]



Vacc. d 22/6 69

af Zahrtmann

vaccinated 22 June 1869

by Zahrtmann


  • Christine has a younger brother named Laurits (Lewis) Funch who would have been 14 years old at the time of her own son’s birth. 
  • Laurits Jensen was vaccinated by the same doctor as his father and mother.

Posted by on 31 March 2012 | Posted in Christening Record, Jensen | Comment

1870 Census – Poder Jensen and Christine Funk/Lund

Christine Funch Lund

I don’t have a photograph for Peter Jensen – another good reason for decendancy research.

Since I already had Peter and Christine’s marriage record from 1865 in Nylarsker parish I thought I might try to find them in the 1870 Census. I guessed they may have stayed in Nylarsker, but since I didn’t know where Peter was from I wasn’t sure. Instead of looking through the 49 pages of census records for the parish–which I would have been willing to do–I decided to use the online index first to see if they were even in that parish. Using the Dansk Demografisk Database I looked for “Peder Jensen” in “Bornholm” in the “1870” Census. I further restricted his age to “30-39.” The first entry looked promising, so I selected “Show Household”:

I had seen Christine’s name listed as “Claudine Christine” in various online databases so I was okay with the name variation, particularly since her birth place matched what I had. So here we see two children born into the family.

Feeling good about this entry I decided to go ahead and pull up the original image:

Source: 1870 Danish Census, Arnager, Bornholm, Denmark, population, Arnager, Bornholm, p. 123, line 15-18, Poder Jensen Family; digitial images, Statens Arkiver ( : downloaded 8 November 2011); Danish National Archives.

Transcription / Translation:
Byernes eller Stedernes Navne med Anførsel af Gaarde, Huse, o.s.v.

The towns’ or the Places’ Names with Information off Farms, Houses, etc.

Huus House

Familiernes Antal
Number of the Families 

Personernes Løbenummer
The Persons’ Sequence Number
[see next column]

Samtlige Personers fulde Navn
(Udøbte Børn anføres as ”Udøbt Drengebarn” eller ”Udøbt Pigebarn”)
All the Persons full Names
(not Christianed Chrildren are to be listed as “not christianed boy child” or “not christianed girl child”)
15) Poder Jensen
16) Claûdina Christine Jensen
17) Anine Margrete Jensen

18) Laûritz Peter Jensen

Mandkjøn (M.) eller Kvindekjøn (K.)
Male Gender (M.) or Female gender (K.)

15) M Male
16) K Female
17) K Female
18) M Male

Alderen anføres med det f y l d t e Aar, men for Børn, der ikke have fyldt 1 Aar, anføres ”Under 1 Aar”
The age is to be listed with the filled year, but for childrem who are not 1 full year are to be listed as “under 1 Year”
15) 30
16) 29
17) 3
18) 1

Ægteskabelig Stilling
Ugift (U.), Gift (G.), Fraskilt (F.) Enkemand eller Enke (E.)
Marital Status
Unmarried (U.), Married (G.),Divorced (F.), Widower or Widow (E.)
15) G Married
16) G Married
17) U Unmarried
18) U Unmarried

15) Lutheran
16) do. Same
17) do. Same
18) do. Same

Fødested, nemlig Kiøbstadens eller Sognets og Amtets Navn,
og for de i Bilandene og kolonierne Fødte samt for Udlændinge Landet, hvor de ere fødte
Place of Birth, namely the city’s or the name of the parish and County and for those born in the colonies*) as well as for foreigners the country, where they are born.
15) Nylars
16) Aaker
17) Nylars
18) do. Same

*) Bilandene and Colonierne are two words for the same thing: Colonies

Stilling i Familien
Huusfader, Huusmoder, Børn, Slægtning, Tjenesteydende, Logerende o.s.v.
Position in the Family
Housfather, Housemother, Children, Relation, employees, Lodging etc.

15) Huusfader Housefather
16) Huusmoder Housemother
17) Dater Daughter
18) Søn Son

Titel, Embede, Forretning, Næringsvei eller af hvilket Erhverv de leve af
(som Hoverperson eller som Medhjælper (Forvalter, Svend eller Dreng o.s.v.)
eller om de forsørges af Fattighuset
Title, Office,Business,Livelihood of of which occupation they live from
(as Main Person [self-employed] or as Employee (Manager, Employee or Lad etc.)
or if they are supported by the Poor House

15) Fisker Fisher
16) [blank]
17) [blank]
18) [blank]

Hvorvidt vedkommende er:
Whether he or she is:
Døvstum| Døv (Hørelsen aldeles berøvet)| Blind (Synet aldeles berøvet
Deaf and Dumb | Deaf (Hearing completely deprived) | Blind (sight completely deprived)

Hvorvidt vedkommende er [column continuer]
Forstanden Berøvet
fra Fødselen| fra et senere Tidspunkt
Deprived of Sanity
from birth | from a later time




  • They are listed as “Lutheran” while I know that by this point Christine’s family have all joined the LDS Church and are listed in the same census–in fact on the very next page–as “Mormon”. I’ll have to take another look at the Bornholm LDS Branch records and see if I can find any information about Christine or Peter’s baptism.
  • If Peter and Christine were still Lutheran then their children would have been christened and should be found in the parish records. Both are listed as being born in Nylarsker.
  • Peter’s occupation is “Fisher” and so is his father-in-law Didrich’s. Do they work together?
  • I now know that Peter was born in the Nylarsker parish so I can search for his christening record. He would have been born about 1840.

Posted by on 30 March 2012 | Posted in Census, Denmark, Funk, Jensen, Lund, Photograph, Researching | Comment

Marriage Record – Peder Jensen and Christine Funk Lund

In starting the descendancy research for the Lund family, I’m taking a look at Didrich and Karen’s oldest child, Christine Funk Lund. Below is her marriage record.

Source: Danish State Archives, “Kirkebøger,” digital images, Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline ( : downloaded 22 November 2011), marriage record for Peder Jensen and Christine Funch, 28 Apr 1865; Nylarsker Parish.

Transcription / Translation:


No. 3

Brudgommens Navn, Alder, Haandtering og Opholdssted
The Groom’s Name, Age, Occupatioin and Place of Residence
Ungkarl Peder Jensen, Tjenestekarl

paa 20de. S[?????]gaard [for] Sog[???]

25 arr gammel, vaccineret d. 14de

Juli 1842 af Zahrtmann

Bachelor Peder Jensen, farm hand

On 20th. S[?????]gaard for Sog[???]

25 years old vaccinated 14th

July 1842 from Zahrtmann

Brudens Navn, Alder, Haandtering og Opholdssted
The Bride’s Name, Age, Occupatioin and Place of Residence
Pigen Christine Funch 24 Arr

gammel, tjener hos Gaardejer Anders

Rosch paa 1ste S[?????]gaard, vaccineret

d. 14de Juli 1842 af Zahrtmann

Maiden Christine Funch 24 years

Old, serving farm owner Anders

Rosch on 1stS[?????]gaard, vaccinated

d. 14th July 1842 by Zahrtmann

Hvem Forloverne ere
Who the best men are
Peder M Mortensen,

Gudmand i Arnager

Diderich Jacobsen Funch

Fisher I Arnager
Peder M Mortensen,

Small Farmer of Arnager

Diderich Jacobesen Funch

Fisherman of Arnager

The Wedding Date
d 28d



Om Vielsen er forrettet i Kirken eller Hjemmet, og i sidste Tilfælde Bevillings Datum
If the Wedding has been performed in the church or at home, and in the latter case the date of authorization.
i Kirken
in the church

Hvor anført i det almindelige Jevnførelses Register
Where posted in the general Index

Lyst første gang
d. 9d April 1865

Banns for the first time

The 9th April 1865

Note: On 9th April the pastor will announce to the congregation that the two people will intend to marry


  • did not have the correct information for her marriage. The dates all said abt 1861. I believe this is because they also have a son, Lewis, listed as born in 1861. If studying the Funk/Lund’s in Denmark have taught me anything it’s that illegitimacy was not uncommon.
  • I have Christine’s christening record from the Aaker parish. She is married in the Nylarsker parish, her family’s home parish. She and Peder were both vaccinated (for smallpox) by the same physician on the same day. This leads me to believe that they were living in the same parish at the time. I believe that to be the Nylarsker parish. I will need to find a christening record for Peder Jensen (which will hopefully list his vaccination as well). 
  • Along those same lines, I may be able to find a confirmation record for both Peder and Christine in the Nylarsker parish.
  • My next step will be to find them in the Danish Census and see if I can verify any children for them. Also, since there are children listed in FamilySearch I can start with those birth dates in mind when searching to see if I can verify them.

Posted by on 29 March 2012 | Posted in Funk, Jensen, Lund, Marriage Record | Comment

Lund Family – Descendancy Research

Regular family history research has you go back in time to find your ancestors. By doing this, you find your direct line family — grandparents, great grandparents, great-great, and so on.

Decendancy Research on the other hand has you choose an ancestor a few generations back and work your way forward in time to find all their descendants. I’ve decided that will be one of the things I work on … in this case for the Lund line, starting with Didrich and Karen Funk/Lund.

Didrich Funch Lund
Karen Kathrina Christine Hansdatter Funch Lund

Here’s one question I got from my husband Troy – Why?
I have many reasons but one of the biggest is that I want to find out if family documents/artifacts ended up with other lines of the family. Also, I’d like to see if there are others out there doing research on this same family so we can collaborate. I even suggested we hold a “Lund Family Reunion” next summer (2013) and invite all the living descendants we could find. (Case in point – Those photos I have of Didrich and Karen came from a completed Family Group Record Sheet from my father-in-law’s aunt. Who has the originals?)

So, now I’m focusing on Didrich and Karen’s oldest child – Christine Funk Lund and her family. I started by using to see what was already out there.

I then created a separate database for all this un-sourced information and called it “Reunion_Lund”. As I find sources I can add facts to my “real” database.

For more information about descendancy research check out this free course available from FamilySearch.

Posted by on 28 March 2012 | Posted in Funk, Lund, Researching, Roots Magic | Comment