Christening Record – Manuel de Souza LIMA


Nossa Sehora de Piedade, Cathedral in Cajazieras, Brazil

To start the great genealogy reset I selected my mother’s line for a few reasons:

  1. I had yet to really do any work with it so there wasn’t much to “redo”
  2. It is centered in Paraiba, Brazil and as far as I know stayed there for the foreseeable past so the record search will be localized to one area and language.
  3. I expect all my “from home” or family history library research options will be exhausted quickly and I’ll be “finished” with this line fairly soon.

I want this to be a real test of my newly established research practices and organization so this line should be perfect for that! I’ll be starting with Manoel, my mother’s grandfather since I have some information already from her since she met him and knew some details. Also, he is far enough back in time that the records are more readily available.

Manoel Tree

Starting with my mother (1) Manoel (4) is her grandfather. This chart is from my new “clean” database and doesn’t contain any unverified facts.

First up, the christening record for Manoel de Souza LIMA. This was actually the very first record I ever found (years ago!) using microfilm at the Family History Library in SLC. It was so exciting! Now, all these images are digitized which makes searching much easier!

Nossa Senhora da Piedade (Cazajeiras, Brasil), Batismos 1800, Jan - 1886 Abr, image 136, page 118, Manuel christening record; digital images, Family Search ( : downloaded 20 May 2016).

Nossa Senhora da Piedade (Cazajeiras, Brasil), Batismos 1800, Jan – 1886 Abr, image 136, page 118, Manoel christening record; digital images, Family Search ( : downloaded 20 May 2016).


Manoel, branco, filho legitimo de Ildefonso de Souza Lima, a-
gricultor e Maria da Conceição de Jesus, sem officio, moradores
na Malta Fresca, Frequizia de Nossa Senhora da Piedade de Ca-
jazeiras, naseido a vinte e dous de Dezembro de mil oito centos
oitena e quatro e baptizado solemimente por mim na Ma-
triz no dia vinte e trez de dito mez e anno, sendo padrinhos
Tenente Acario de Souza Rolim e sua mulher Antonia O-
lindina do Conto Rolim; do que para constar mandou fa-
zer este termo, em que se assigna {signature}.


Manoel, white, legitimate son of Ildefonso de Souza Lima,
farmer, and Maria da Conceição de Jesus, not employed, residents
of the Malta Fresca, Parish of Nossa Senhora da Piedade of
Cajazeiras, born on the twenty second of December of eighteen hundred
eighty four and solemnly baptized by me in the
chapel on the twenty third day of the same month and year, as godparents
Lieutenant Acario de Souza Rolim and his wife Antonia
Olindina do Conto Rolim; for the record I ordered this record
made, and to attest, I sign {signature}.


Here are all the “facts” I was able to draw from this document and add to my new clean database:

  • Manoel is the son of Ildefonso de Souza LIMA and Maria da Conceição DE JESUS. He is male and was named Manoel.
  • His birth date is 22 Dec 1884 in Cajazieras, Brazil.
  • Ildefonso is a farmer.
  • Manoel was “legitimate” meaning his parents were married prior to his birth. So I should be able to find a marriage record for them prior to 22 Dec 1884.
  • Manoel was christened in the Nossa Senhora da Piedade church in Cajazeiras, Brazil on 23 Dec 1884.
  • His godparents were Lieutenant Acario de Souza ROLIM and his wife Antonia Olindina doe Conto ROLIM who were likely friends with Manoel’s parents.

That is quite a bit of information from just this one record. From here I can keep going with Manoel’s parents and try to find a marriage record or keep looking in the birth records for any other siblings. Luckily his father’s name, Ildefonso, is quite unique to the area (although I have come across another man with that same first name in the records) so it should be relatively easy to find siblings and the marriage record.

His mother’s name, Maria, is much more common and I’ve even come across another Maria da Conceição but she didn’t have the “de Jesus” part so I’m pretty sure she’s a different woman.

The fun continues!

Posted by on 28 May 2016 | Posted in Brazil, Christening Record, De Jesuz, Lima, Paraiba | Comment

Grandma’s Birthday — still unknown!

I have multiple options for my grandmother, Lindalva Ferreira da Silva (Lima)’s birthday.

  • She told my mother (her daughter) and thoughout her life celebrated on 7 Oct stating the birth year was 1934 and that she was married at 16 years old.
  • She was married on 30 Sep 1950 and I have her marriage record. The priest lists her age as 17 years old, which would mean her birthdate was between 30 Sep 1932 – 30 Sep 1933.
  • Her Death Certificate from 6 Jun 1999 states her age at death as 64 which places her birthday from 7 Jun 1937 – 7 Jun 1938. This would, however, make her 12-13 years old when she married, which I find very unlikely. I don’t know who the informant on the death certificate is and what his relation is to Lindalva. He may not have known her age accurately.
I’ll be honest. This has been very distressing to my mother who I think feels that I am calling her mother a liar. I just want to find her birth/christening record. But I don’t know where to look. So I made a chart.
There are 3 parishes and 1 archdiocese in the city of Joao Pesso, Pariba, Brazil. She was married in Nossa Senhora do Rosario, and I have that marriage record. As you can see from the chart, I have yet to find her and all I have left to search are the 1937-38 years (which would make her too young to marry). 
I’m not sure where to go from here. I think I will:
  1. Complete my search of the 1937-38 records for all the parishes.
  2. Ask my brother, or another set of eyes, to search all the same records. Maybe I just missed her? There is no index. 🙁
  3. There are no civil records digitized or on microfilm for births after 1931.
  4. Maybe an aunt could go to the registrars office in Joao Pessoa and find a birth certificate. Or maybe they already have a copy?
All I want is a document as source of her birth! Is that too much to ask?

Posted by on 31 January 2013 | Posted in Da Silva, Lima | Comment

Death Certificate – Joao Ferreira de Lima

Source: Paraiba, Brazil, Cartorio do Registro Civil, death certificate Book no. C001, sheet 13, no. 49 (18 May 1987), Joao de Souza Lima; Distrito de Mangabeira, Municipio de Joao Pessoa.


República Federativa do Brasil
Cartório de Registro Civil
Estado de Paraíba
Comarca de Cartório “Pereira Lima”
Municipio de João Pessoa
Distrito de Mangabeira
Raimundo Pereira Lima
Oficial Efetivo do Registor Civil
Certidão de Óbito

     Certifico que, em data de 20 de maio de 1987, no Livro
No 001, à fls. 13, sob o No 49, foi feito o Registro de óbito de
falecido, em 18 de maio de 1987, às 20:05’ horas,
neste Distrito em João Pessoa-Pb
do sexo masculio de cor morena, profissão Aposentado
natural de Cajazeiras – Paraíba
domicilado e residente R. Cecília Rodrigues de Siqueira, 53 – Bancários.
com sessenta e um ( 61) de idade, estado civil casado, filho de

tendo sido declarante LINDALVA FERREIRA DE LIMA
e o óbito atestado pelo Dr. José Ricardo de Moura Coelho
que deu como causa de morte Parada Cardio Respiratória e Infarto do Mio-
cárdio. e o sepultamento foi feito no cemitério de
Nossa Senhora Apaarecida – Cajazeiras – Paraíba
Observações: Deixou bens. Caderneta de Poupança. Não deixou bens,
Digo: filhos de menor idade.

O referido é verdade e dou fé.
      João Pessoa-PB, 20 de maio de 1987
            Raimundo Perira Lime


Death Certificate

     I certify that,  on the 20th of May of 1987, in Book
No. 001, on sheet 13, under No. 49, there was made a Registration of death of
deceased, on the 18th of May of 1987, at 20:05 hours,
in this District in João Pessoa-Pb
of gender male, of color brown, profession retired
native of Cajazeiras – Paraíba
living and residing at R. Cecília Rodrigues de Siqueira, 53 – Bancários.
with sixty and one (61) years of age, status married, son of

and the death confirmed by Dr. José Ricardo de Moura Coelho
who gave as cause of death Sesation of Heart and Breathing and Miocardial
Infarction and the burial was done at the cemetary of
Nossa Senhora Apaarecida – Cajazeiras – Paraíba
Notes: He left property. Savings account. He left no property,
I mean, minor children.

I verify the above is true.
      João Pessoa-PB, 20th of May of 1987
           Raimundo Perira Lime

Posted by on 3 June 2012 | Posted in Death Certificate, Lima | Comment

Marriage Record – João de Sousa Lima and Lindalva Ferreira da Silva

Oh, the joys of … I’m still amazed that I can look at local parish records from around the world! In this case I was looking through the digitized (albeit not indexed) images of Catholic parish records from João Pessoa, Brazil. This one happens to be for my maternal grandparents – João and Lindalva.

Source: Family Search, “Brazil, Catholic Church Records,” digital image, Family Search ( : downloaded 14 March 2012), Joao de Sousa Lima and Lindalva Ferreira da Silva Marriage Record, 30 Sep 1950; Nossa Senhora do Rosario parish, page 35, entry 131.


131 – João de Sousa Lima e Lindalva Ferreira da Silva

Aos trinta dias do mês de Setembro de mil novecentos e cinqüenta, na Matriz do Rosario, perante as testemunhas justo Lacerda Ferreira e João Cabral Batista, o Revmo Frei Inocencio ofm. assistiu ao recebimento matrimonial de João de Sousa Lima e Lindalva Ferreira da Silva, o nubente con 25 anos de idade, filho legitimo de Manuel de Sousa Lima e Hosana Maria da Conceiçao, natural e batizado em Cajazeiras, a nubente con 17 anos de idade, filha legitima de Joaquim Pedro da Silva e Ernestina Ferreira da Silva, natural e batizada em João Pessoa, residentes nesta frequezia. E, para constar, mandei fazer este fermo que assino.

(signed) Frei Jorge [Bolchaus.?] ofm. Vigário


On the thirtieth day of the month of September of nineteen hundred and fifty, in the Mother of the Rosary, as witnessed by Lacerda Ferreira and João Cabral Batista, the Reverand Frei Inocencio [ofm.?] performed the marriage rite of João de Sousa Lima and Lindalva Ferreira da Silva, the groom with 25 years of age, legitimate son of Manuel de Sousa Lima and Hosana Maria da Conceiçao, born and baptized in Cajazeiras, the bride with 17 years of age, legitimate daughter of Joaquim Pedro da Silva e Ernestina Ferreira da Silva, born and baptized in João Pessoa, residents in this parish. And, for the record, I had this record made, and I sign.

(signed) Frei Jorge [Bolchaus.?] ofm. Vigário

This record gives the same marriage date I have, 30 Sept 1950. However, there is a discrepancy in Lindalva’s age. Based on the birth date I have of 7 Oct 1934, she would be 15 years old (about a week shy of her 16th birthday) on the date of her wedding. The marriage record states she was 17 years old, and when I asked my mother about it, she said that Lindalva was 16 years old when she got married. So, now I’m thinking I’ll need to find her christening record and see if she was born in 1932 or 1933 or 1934.

Posted by on 28 May 2012 | Posted in Da Silva, Lima, Marriage Record | Comment