As the story goes, Deolinda worked as an Accountant in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the Federal government. I’ve been told she was one of the, if not the, first female Accountant in Rio. Below is her Identification card and transcriptions of what it says. (Click on images to see larger)
Registration Number: 592 986
Order Number: 99379
Photograph, right index print, and signature
Nome (Name): Deolinda Ferreira de Macedo
Natural de (Native of): Distrito Federal
Data do Nacimento (Date of Birth): 4.1.927 (4 Jan 1927)
Da Cutis (race/skin): Branca (white)
Filiacao (Parents): José Ferreira da Fonseca e (and) Anna Ferreira
Issued 26 de…1954
Signed by the director.