The search for Johan Riis

I’ve done extensive research on the Lund family from Denmark. I’m also working on the decendency research for Diderich Funk/Funch Lund, Troy’s 3rd-great-grandfather. (The Lund was added after immigrating to the United States)

But Diderich’s father remains a mystery. Here’s what I know:

  • Johan Riis is listed as Diderich’s father in his christening record dated 3 Apr 1816, he was born on 25 Mar 1816. Diderich is illegitimate and Johan is described as a bachelor who has traveled away.
  • Diderich’s mother is Gertrude Christine Didrichsdatter, and her father’s name is Diderich Jacobson Funch.
  • By the time Diderich is confirmed in the Lutheran church on 5 Oct 1834, his father, still listed as Johan Riis (although his mother had married by now) is now listed as “deceased.”

RootsMagic5 has a new feature – Research Log. I’ve been using it to work on this and other research I’ve been doing and have found it a great way to note what I’ve done.

So, here’s the plan.

  • I think before I can really find Johan, I need to first track Gertrude’s family as they lived in Knudsker and then she (and possibly more of the family) moved to Arnager. I plan to work with the censuses and the church records, including the moving in and out records (I just learned about yesterday!).
  • Also, since at some point I think I’d like to get certified in genealogy, I’m going to try out a full client report and research notes for this search for Johan. I’ll post more as I go along.

Posted by on 15 July 2012 | Posted in Uncategorized | Comment

Marriage Certificate – Genival and Deolinda de Macedo

I have a rediculously huge stack of documents and pictures to scan and transcribe, so I thought I better get started. This is a copy of my father’s parent’s marriage certificate.

Genival and Deolinda – 1984 – Sao Marcos, Brazil
  • I love how they listed the exact time of the wedding – “ten hours and twenty five minutes”.
  • The witnesses, according to my dad, are my grandmother’s uncle and his wife.
  • I thought it was interesting that my grandmother was listed as being born in the “Federal District” until I remembered that Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil at the time. Now the capital is in Brasilia, many hundreds of miles away.
  • My grandfather is listed as a machinist. He was a navy man all his life, so I guess he was a machinist for the navy. I never knew that.
  • My grandmother is listed as a public worker. She was an accountant for the city of Rio de Janeiro, I remember her telling me she was the first woman to have that job. She also talked about the computers they had in the late 40s and early 50s that would take up entire rooms. Now, she’s on facebook. Go figure!
  • They were living on the same street. The story goes that they met when grandma was 13 years old and grandpa was 19. She was just the neighbor girl. They didn’t start dating until she was 18, which would have been just after my grandfather returned from serving in WWII – in which his ship was sunk (!!), or so the story goes.
According to Google Maps, they lived 98 m away from each other, which would take 15 sec to drive in a car. Unfortunately, there was no street view available for this part of Rio de Janeiro.

Source: Twelfth Division, Guanabara, marriage certificate no. B. 80, 70, entry 7.180 (2 October 1948), Genival Marinho de Macedo and Deolinda Ferreira; Parish of Irajá and Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.






Duljacy Espirito Santo Cardoso – Oficial do Registro Civil e Tabelião vitalicio da Décima

Segunda Circunscrição, Freguezia de Irajá e Jacarepaguá do Estado de Guanabara.

CERTIFICO que revendo em meu cartório o livro n. B. 80.-

de Registro de casamentos, n’ele a jolhas 70.-

acha-se lavrado o termo sob o n. 7. 180.-

do qual consta que no dia 2 de Outubro de 1948.-

às dex.- horas e vinte e cinco.- minutos, na sala dos casamentos.-

perante o Dr. Avelino José da Cunha.-

e as testemunhas Herminio Thomé de Paiva e Emerita Ferreira Paiva.-

receberam-se em matrimônio pelo regime de Comunhão de Bens: GENIVAL MARIN-


que passou a chamar-se DEOLINDA FERREIRA DE MACEDO.-

Êle, de nacionalidade barsileira.-

natural do Est. da Paraiba.-

nascido em 1o de Abril de 1921.-

filho de Antonio Avelino de Macedo e Leonisa Marinho de Macedo.-

estado civil solteiro.-

profissão maquinista.-

e residente rua Marechal Falção da Fronta, 1.365, ap. 202.-

Ela, de nacionalidade brasileira.-

natural do Distrito Federal.-

nascida em 4 de Janeiro de 1927.-

filha de José Ferreira da Fonseca e Anna Ferreria.-

estado civil solteira.-

profissão funcionária pública.-

e residente rua Marechal Falcão da Fronta, 1.457, apt 102.-





Duljacy Espirito Santo Cardoso – Officer of the Civil Register and Notary of the Twelfth

Division, Parish of Irajá and Jacarepaguá in the State of Guanabara.

I hereby certify that in my office reviewing the book n. B. 80.-

of the Registry of Marriages, in the ????? 70.-

can be found under the ???? entry n. 7. 180.-

which states that on the day 2 of October of 1948.-

at ten hours and twenty-five minutes, in the hall of weddings.-

before Dr. Avelino José da Cunha.-

and the witnesses Herminio Thomé de Paiva and Emerita Ferreira Paiva.-

recived each other in matrimony through the communion of the bans: GENIVAL MARIN-


who came to call herself DEOLINDA FERREIRA DE MACEDO.-

He, of nationality brasilian.-

born in the state of Paraiba.-

born on the 1st of April of 1921.-

son of Antonio Avelino de Macedo and Leonisa Marinho de Macedo.-

marital status single.-

profession machinist.-

and residing at rua Marechal Falcção da Fronta, 1.365, ap. 202.-

She, of nationality brasilian.-

born in the Federal District.- (Rio de Janeiro)

born on the 4th of January of 1927.-

daughter of José Ferreira da Fonseca and Anna Ferreria.-

marital status single.-

profession public worker.-

and residing at rua Marechal Falcão da Fronta, 1.457, apt 102.-

Posted by on 28 June 2012 | Posted in de Macedo, Maps, Marriage Certificate | Comment

George M Draney Household – 1930 US Census

The 1930 Census for George Melvin Draney’s family brings up a few items of interest.

At this point, the family has moved to 2538 ½ Wall Avenue which is just across the street from the Union Station (railroad). That is interesting because the Draney’s now have a lodger, one Willie Johnson who is listed as a Cook for the Railroad Diner. This is also the first time I’ve come across “negro” for color or race. I want to research more about Willie and find out how he ended up in Utah from Arkansas.

Another item of note – Both Myrtle and George are listed as 10 years old. However, if you remember from the 1920 census, Myrtle is listed as 1 11/12 years old but there is no George listed … so, they aren’t twins. In order for them to both be 10 years old they would have to have been born within 12 months of each each other. Looking closely at the age listed for Myrtle, it appears the enumerator wrote over what was there with a 10. I believe it originally said 12.

Here’s my reasoning:

  • If Myrtle was 1 11/12 on 20 Jan 1920, at the time of the 1920 census, that would mean she was born between 21 Jan – 20 Feb 1918. This would make her just over 12 years old on 14 Apr 1930, at the time of the 1930 census.
  • If George was 10 years old on 14 Apr 1930, at the time of the 1930 census, then he would have been born between 15 Apr 1919 and 14 Apr 1920. However, since he wasn’t listed in the 1920 census, he would have to be born after 20 Jan 1920. So, he was born between 21 Jan 1920 and 14 Apr 1920.

I will have to search for birth certificates for all these children, but am particularly interested in what they will reveal for Myrtle and George.

Source: 1930 U.S. Census, Ogden City, population schedule, Ogden City, 1st Ward, enumeration district (ED) 29-16, sheet 13-B, dwelling 330, family 383, Geo M Draney Household; digital images, Family Search( : downloaded 23 June 2012); NARA.

Dwelling 330, Family 383

2538 ½ Wall Avenue

Line 85. Draney, Geo M. Head. Rented, $15/mo, radio, not a farm. Male, White, 38 years old, Married. No school in 1929, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English. Laborer, Laundry, worker. Employed. Not a veteran.

Line 86. —–, Josephine. Wife (H). Female, White, 41 years old, Married. No school in 1929, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Denmark. Mother POB: Denmark. Can speak English. No occupation.

Line 87. —–, Ruth.Daughter. Female, White, 14 years old, Single. Attended school in 1929, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English. No occupation.

Line 88. —–, Myrtle.Daughter. Female, White, 10 years old, Single. Attended school in 1929, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English. No occupation.

Line 89. —–, George.Son. Male, White, 10 years old, Single. Attended school in 1929, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English. No occupation.

Line 90. —–, Lee.Son. Male, White, 7 years old, Single. Attended school in 1929. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English. No occupation.

Line 91. Johnson, Willie. Lodger. Male, Negro, 39 years old, Single. No school in 1929, can read and write. POB: Arkansas. Father POB: Arkansas. Mother POB: Arkansas. Can speak English. Cook, Railroad Diner, worker. Employed. Veteran, World War. (meaning WWI)

Posted by on 24 June 2012 | Posted in Census, Draney | Comment

George M Draney Household – 1920 US Census

Moving forward in time, let’s take a look at Annie (Lund) (Draney) Wheeler’s children. Starting with her oldest son George Melvin Draney (b. 19 Dec 1891, d. 21 Dec 1943).

George is Diderich’s oldest son’s (Hans Peter), oldest daughter’s (Annie), oldest son. This makes him Troy’s second cousin, twice removed. I love the relationship chart in Roots Magic! It makes the relationships so much easier to see.

I’d already found George in the 1900 and 1910 Censuses living with his parents. By the 1920 census he is now 28 years old and married.

He is living in Ogden, at 2868 Grant Avenue (which is now a storage place) and he and his wife Josephine have two daughters.

Source: 1920 U.S. Census, Weber County, Utah, population schedule, Ogden City, enumeration district (ED) 152, sheet 19A, dwelling 365, family 401, George W. Draney Household; digital images, : downloaded 22 June 2012); NARA microfilm publication T625, 2076 rolls.


Dwelling 365, Family 401

2868 Grant Avenue

Line 29. Draney, George W. Head. Rented. Male, White, 27 years old, Married. Can read, can write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English. Driver, Steam Laundry, worker.

Line 30. —–, Josephine. Wife. Female, White, 32 years old, Married. Can read, can write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Denmark, Danish. Mother POB: Norway, Norwegian. Can speak English. No employment.

Line 31. —–, Ruth J. Daughter. Female, White, 4 0/12 years old, Single. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. No employment.

Line 32. —–, Myrtle A. Daughter. Female, White, 1 11/12 years old, Single. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. No employment.

Posted by on 23 June 2012 | Posted in Census, Draney | Comment