Week 13: Belonging

Chapter 2 – Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)

Let’s talk about the clubs or organizations you were in during these years, OK? Were you in cub scouts or brownies or were you in a 4-H club? What did you do in those clubs? What about church activities? Were you active in Primary? How did you feel about going? Did you like to learn the songs? Were you anxious to graduate to MIA? Do you have any specific memories about Primary that you can remember? Are they good or bad memories? Did your Primary years help you in your adult life? Tell me about it. How about a “secret club” with some of your friends in the neighborhood? What was the name of the club? (I know it’s a secret, but I won’t tell) Who was int he club and what did you do? Where were these club meetings held? Were these clubs and organizations or groups important to you? Why or why not?

Do you think your involvement or lack of involvement in groups like these had a significant influence in shaping your self concept and values? Were you ever in a children’s choir? Did you ever participate in a dace recital? Were you ever in a sports league of any kind? Do you feel that sports participation on a league level at this early age is wise? Why or why not? Did you perform in a recital with an instrument? How do you feel about children int he grade school level taking lessons and performing? What about in competition? Is it too young? Did it benefit or hurt your early years? Explain.

Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 18 September 2011 | Posted in Book of Memories | Comment

Week 12: School

Chapter 2 – Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)

Did you attend a formal (public or private) elementary school or were you taught at home? Do you remember the names of the school(s) you attended up through the 6th grade? What were those schools like…big or small…always hot or too cold or just right? Well lit or poorly lit? Quiet or noisy?

Were those elementary schools close to home or did you have to walk a long way to get there? How did you get to school? Did you ride a bus (or a horse, or a bicycle, or something else?) or did your parents take you?

Did you ever get into “trouble” at elementary school? What games did you play at recess? Do you remember anything significant or unusual that happened on your way to or from school? Did you have any special teachers in elementary school (or up until the time that you were approximately 12 years old)? What do you remember about them? Why were they so special? Any particularly memorable principals (or ones who used a big paddle)? Were those early school years fun and exciting, or were they difficult and frightening, ro some of each? Why? What made them that way? I’d like to hear about it.

Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 11 September 2011 | Posted in Book of Memories | Comment

Week 11: Bark & Purr

Chapter 2 – Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)

In this topic “Bark and Purr” I will ask you about your pets during these years. Did you have a pet? Or, did your family have a dog, cat, bird, spider, horse, pet snake, rabbit, hamster…?

Were these pets really important to you during these years? Why or how were they important? Did any of your pets die? How did you deal with their death? Did a pet ever rescue you (like “Rin-Tin-Tin” or “Lassie” used to do)? What happened? Do you wish you had had more or some other kind of pets? Why? Is it helpful or beneficial for children to have pets as they are growing up? How do they help or are they relatively unimportant? In future chapters, I will ask about your pets later in life. For right now, just tell me anything else you’d like to say about your pets in these “early years” (up until the time you were approximately 12 years old.

Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 4 September 2011 | Posted in Book of Memories | Comment

Week 10: Wheels

Chapter 2 – Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)

Did you have a bicycle or a scooter? Tell me about it. How about skates or a go cart? Did you skate a lot? Ride your go cart a lot? Ever have a serious accident on these wheels?

How do you feel about skate boards?

Were these things important to you?

Was there a bicycle or pair of skates you did NOT have, but wished or dreamed or prayed for?

Do you remember any special cars or trucks that your family owned during these years? Anything unusual about these vehicles? I’d love to hear about it.

Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 28 August 2011 | Posted in Book of Memories | Comment