Week 1: Birthday and Birth Place
Many years ago at a church activity I was given a copy of prompts to help in the writing of my own “Book of Memories”. I don’t know who wrote it and where it came from but I’ve been wanting to use it for a long time. I’ve had many stops and starts, but now its for real! I think it will also help to have you, my dear readers, to keep me going.So, lets get to it!
Every week I’ll post a new topic for you to write about. Come back to this post and link it up in the comments. Feel free to write about yourself or your child, parent, etc. You may even wish to ask a family member to write along with you. Enjoy!
Week 1: Birthday & Birth Place
I would like to suggest that you begin your “Book of Memories by writing the phrase: “I was born on …” and then complete the sentence with the day and date of your birth.
Is there anything significant about the day or date you were born? Did your parents tell you about anything unusual or special that occurred that day? If so, tell me about it.
I would like to know where you were born. You might start with the phrase: “I was born in the _____ hospital (or in a house, etc.) in city, state, country.
Was there anything unusual or significant about the circumstances of your birth? Any complications? Any notable people present? Any notable people absent at your birth?
Were you an adopted child? Foster child? When were you adopted? How old were you at the time of your adoption. Have you always known these circumstances? If not when and how did you find out? Do you with this had been handled differently? We’ll go into more questions concerning adoption later on, for now I am interested in your birth circumstances.
If you were not born in this country, have you acquired a new citizenship? When? What is your new citizenship? Is this new citizenship important to you? Why is it important? What does it mean to you?
Later, in the Chapter titled “Early Life Memories”, I will ask about your memories of the home(s) you grew up in. For right now, is there anything else you would like to tell me about the day, date and/or circumstances of your birth?