The Ranson Family in 1920

Slowly but surely making my way back in time with the Joe & Vilate Ranson family…now in the 1920 US census. This time four children are living at home ranging in age from 5 to 14 years old.

1920 U.S. Census, Rich County, Utah, population schedule, Randolph Precinct, Randolph Town, enumeration district (ED) SD 1, ED 93, sheet 6A, dwelling 101, family 108, Joseph H. Ranson household; digital images, FamilySearch ( : downloaded 28 July 2014).

1920 U.S. Census, Rich County, Utah, population schedule, Randolph Precinct, Randolph Town, enumeration district (ED) SD 1, ED 93, sheet 6A, dwelling 101, family 108, Joseph H. Ranson household; digital images, FamilySearch ( : downloaded 28 July 2014).


1920 US Census

Utah, Rich County, Randolph Precinct, Randolph Town

SD 1, ED 93, Sheet 6A

13 January 1920

Lines 39-44. 3rd East Street

Farm. Dwelling 101, Family 108

Own, Free.

Line 39. Ranson, Joseph H. Head, Male, White, 34, Married, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: England, English. Mother POB: England, English. Can speak English. Manager, Telephone Co, worker.

Line 40. —–, Vilate E. Wife, Female, White, 36, Married, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: England, English. Mother POB: Missouri. Can speak English.

Line 41. —–, Ervie. Son, Male, White, 14, Single, attended school this year, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English.

Line 42. —–, Zentha. Daughter, Female, White, 13, Single, attended school this year, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English.

Line 43. —–, William A. Son, Male, White, 10, Single, attended school this year, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English.

Line 44. —–, Robert. Son, Male, White, 5, Single. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English.


  • Randolph, Utah is a tiny little town. At the time of the 1920 US census there were 758 people living there. According to Wikipedia there were 464 people living there.
  • Here’s the Google Maps view of the town of Randolph, with the marker at 3rd East Street where the Ranson’s were living.
2015-05-31-randolph map
  • And here’s the street view at that location. The census doesn’t give me a house (in this case Farm) number so I’m not sure where along this street they lived. At the time there were only 5 families living on that street. Today, it would appear that it doesn’t look much different!

Posted by on 31 May 2015 | Posted in Census, Ranson | Comment

The Ranson Family – in 1930

Previously, I posted about the Ranson family in the 1940 census…when the parents (Joe and Vilate) were empty-nesters.

Now, moving back in time to the 1930 census we find a son, Robert – age 15, living at home with them.

1930 U.S. Census, Ogden City, population schedule, Ogden City, Precinct 52, 5th Ward, enumeration district (ED) ED 29-56, SD 1, sheet 1A, household 29, family 29, Joseph H. Ranson household; digital images, Family Search ( : downloaded 28 July 2014); NARA.

1930 U.S. Census, Ogden City, population schedule, Ogden City, Precinct 52, 5th Ward, enumeration district (ED) ED 29-56, SD 1, sheet 1A, household 29, family 29, Joseph H. Ranson household; digital images, Family Search ( : downloaded 28 July 2014); NARA.


1930 US Census
Utah, Weber County, Ogden City, Precinct 52, 5th Ward
ED 29-56, SD 1, Sheet 1A
3 April 1930

Lines 25-27. Gramercy Avenue 2765
Household 29, Family 29
Own, $3500, radio, not a farm.

Line 25. Ranson, Joseph H. Head, Male, White, 44, Married, 19 years old when married. Didn’t attend school this year, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: England. Mother POB: England. Can speak English. Electrician, Railroad Shops, worker. Employed, not a veteran.

Line 26. —–, Valate E. Wife, Female, White, 46, Married, 21 years old when married. Didn’t attend school this year, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Illinois. Mother POB: New York. Can speak English, not employed.

Line 27. —–, Robert. Son, Male, White, 15, Single. Attended school this year, can read and write. POB: Utah. Father POB: Utah. Mother POB: Utah. Can speak English, not employed.


The family is still living at the same home that they were living in in 1940. Interestingly, while the property value is listed as $3500 in this census, it was listed for $3000 10 years later in the 1940 census. I guess that speaks to the effect the Great Depression had on housing values.

Posted by on 28 March 2015 | Posted in Census, Corless, Ranson | Comment

Back to Utah – the Ranson Family

I’m going back to researching in Utah right now because its so much easier! This time I’m looking at Troy’s maternal line, specifically the Joseph Hyrum Ranson and Vilate Elizabeth Corless family.

Joseph and Vilate, about 1915

Joseph and Vilate, about 1915


Working my way backwards is the easiest way to do this and since their deaths are so recent (Joseph – 22 Feb 1975, and Vilate – 28 Dec 1963) censuses seemed like the best way to start. Here is the most recent available census, 1940:

1940 U.S. Census, Ogden City, Weber County, Utah, population schedule, Ogden City, Ogden Precinct, 4th Ward, enumeration district (ED) 29-53, SD 3, sheet 1B, household 14, lines 48-49, Joe Ranson Household; digital image, ( : downloaded 24 July 2014).

1940 U.S. Census, Ogden City, Weber County, Utah, population schedule, Ogden City, Ogden Precinct, 4th Ward, enumeration district (ED) 29-53, SD 3, sheet 1B, household 14, lines 48-49, Joe Ranson Household; digital image, ( : downloaded 24 July 2014).


1940 US Census
Utah, Weber County, Ogden City, Ogden Precinct, 4th Ward
SD 3, ED 29-53, Sheet 1B
28 April 1940

Lines 48-49. Gramercy St. [Ave.] 2765
Household 14, Owned, $3000 value, not a farm

Line 48. Ranson, Joe. Head, Male, White, 54, Married. Didn’t attend school this year, completed 8 years of schooling. POB: Utah. Living in 1935: same place. Employed, worked 40 a week, Electricitian, RR [railroad] Shops, private work, 52 weeks worked in 1939, $1781 income in 1939, no farm.

Line 49. —–, Vilate [x]. Wife, Female, White, 56, Married, Didn’t attend school this year, completed 0 years of schooling. POG: Utah. Living in 1935: same place. Household work.


At this point in their lives Joseph (Joe) and Vilate are living in Ogden and their children have all left home. It appears that Joseph was employed over the previous years (even though it was a depression) perhaps because he had a skill – electrician. Also, it was interesting to me that he had only an 8th grade education while his wife had completed 0 years of schooling. This is as reported by Vilate herself (with the x next to her name). Also, Joe earned $1781 in 1939. According to various online inflation calculators that is about $30,000 buying power today. Times sure were different! The address of 2765 Gramercy Ave. looks like this, today:



Posted by on 24 July 2014 | Posted in Census, Corless, Ranson | Comment

Oscar A. Anderson (Sr.) Household – US 1880 Census

I’ve decided to focus my energy on the Anderson side of the family…Troy’s paternal grandmothers family. So, I’m starting with a timeline and filling in the documents I would expect to find for the family. Birth, Marriage, Death records and Censuses. There are other “side” documents too, but I won’t know what I should look for until I have a base of “events” to work around.

Here’s how this family relates to Troy:

This first census is actually Troy’s great-great Grandfather and his young wife and child in 1880. This was taken 4 months before Troy’s great-grandfather was born, so Thirza (or Thersea) would have been pregnant at this point.

Source: 1880 U.S. Census, Kanosh Precinct, Millard, Utah, population schedule, Kanosh Precinct, Millard County, Utah, enumeration district (ED) ED 1, SD 33, 15, dwelling 133, family 133, Oscar A. Anderson Household; digital images, FamilySearch ( : downloaded 5 February 2013).


Lines 15-18. Dwelling #133, Family #133.

Page 15, SD 1, ED 33

Kanosh Precinct, Millard County, Utah

7 June 1880

Line 15. Anderson, Oscar A, W, M, 25, Head, married, Freighter, POB: Denmark, Father POB: Sweden, Mother POB: Denmark.

Line 16. —, Thirza J, W, F, 24, Wife, married, Keeping House, POB: Utah, Father POB: US, Mother POB: Tennessee.

Line 17. —, Mary E, W, F, 1, Daughter, single, POB: Utah, Father POB: Denmark, Mother POB: Utah.

Line 18. Halsey, William A, W, M, 34, Boarder, single, Saddle & Harness Maker, cannot write, POB: N. Jersey, Father POB: New Jersey, Mother POB: New Jersey.

Posted by on 5 February 2013 | Posted in Anderson, Census | Comment