Christening Record – Peder Jensen

Since the 1870 Danish Census gave me Peder Jensen’s birth place as Nylars (which is Nylarsker parish), I went into the church records to find his christening.

Source: Danish State Archives, “Kirkebøger,” digital images, Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline ( : downloaded 15 July 2011), Peder Jensen Christening Record; Nylarsker Parish, 27 Aug 1839, no. 11.

Transcription / Translation:


NB 11

Aar og Datum

Year and Date

d. 27 Aug


27 Aug


Barnets fulde Navn

Child’s full name

Peder Jensen

Daabens Datum enten i Kirken eller hjemme

Christening Date either in the church or at home

Hjemmedøbt d. 27

Aug 1839

Bragt i Kirken

d. 6 Oct 1839

Home christened 27

Aug 1839

Brought to Church

6 Oct 1839

Forældres Navn, Stand, Haandtering og Opholdsted

Parents’ Name, Social Position, Occupation and Residence

Christen Jensen [8]

25 ???. Kristine


Christen Jensen [8]

25 [???] Kristine


[my comment: It seems like the “8” which descends the line is a kind of abbreiation, signifying that “now comes the address”. Farms in Bornholm seemed to have some kind of numbering system, and I believe it possible, that Christen Jensen is living in 25 S??gg[rd?]. Not having any better way to show, I will use [8] to show]

Faddernes Navne, Stand og Opholdsted

Witnesses’ Names, Social Position and Residence

Gjertrud Kofod [8] ???? M.

Adelheid Groubech [8] Prgd

Jens Sonne, Hans Ipsen

Gertrud Kofod [8] ???? M.

Adelheid Groubech Prgd

Jens Sonne, Hans Ipsen

[Comment: Prgd could be an abbreviation for “Præstegaard” (= Parsonage/Rectory)]

Hvor anført i det alm. Jevnf. Reg. [almindelige Jevnførelses Register]

Where posted in the General Index Register

no. 129




efter No 6


after No 6

[comment: The pastor has forgotten to place the entry in chronological order. This would explain the NB in front of the name in the first column]

It appears that Peder may have been ill as a newborn because he was christened at home.

Posted by on 2 April 2012 | Posted in Christening Record, Denmark, Jensen | Comment

Christening Record – Annine Margrethe Christine Jensen

Continuing my research of the Jensen family, I found their daughter Annine’s Christening Record.

Source: Danish State Archives, “Kirkebøger,” digital images, Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline ( : downloaded 7 November 2011), Annine Margrethe Christine Jensen Christening Record; Nylarsker Parish, p34, 1866, no. 3.

Transcription / Translation:




Aar og Datum

Year and Date

d. 3d Mart.


3 March


Barnets fulde Navn

Child’s full name

Annine Margrethe Christine Jensen

Daabens Datum enten i Kirken eller hjemme

Christening Date either in the church or at home

d. 20 April


i Kirken

20 April


at the church

Forældres Navn, Stand, Haandtering og Opholdsted

Parents’ Name, Social Position, Occupation and Residence

Arbejdsmand i Arnager

Peder Jensen og Hustru

Claudine Christine født

Funch, 25 Aar gl.

Laborer in Arnager

Peder Jensen and wife

Claudine Christine nee [actually: “born”]

Funch, 25 years old

[Note from JensenJN: “gl.” = abbreviation for “ammel” = “old”]

Faddernes Navne, Stand og Opholdsted

Witnesses’ Names, Social Position and Residence

Bærkone: Else K. Markmann, ???ejer Niels Jørgen-

sens Hustru af Arnager

Faddere: Fisker Anders Persson af Arnager,

Snedker Jacob Peter Jensen af Arnager,

Christine Margrethe Jensen, tjener paa

1ste ???gaard.

Godmother: Else K. Markmann, ???owner Niels Jørgen-

sens wife of Arnager

Witnesses: Fisherman Anders Persson of Arnager,

Cabinet maker Jacob Peter Jensen of Arnager,

Christine Margrethe Jensen, serving on

1st ???farm.

[Note from JensenJN: Bærkone (Carry woman) I have never seen that word before, but from the name context there is no doub t that this is the lady, who carried the child to the christening.]

[Comment from Jensen JN: ???ejer It seems to read “Stæleejer” and except for the ending “ejer”,
which means “owner”, the word makes no sense to me.] 
[Comment from JensenJN: 1ste ???gaard. I cannot decide if it reads Stormgaard or Strandgaard 
I will investigate this tomorrow by looking up an old map] 

Hvor anført i det alm. Jevnf. Reg. [almindelige Jevnførelses Register]

Where posted in the Index Register

no. 15/148


Isted[e]tfor Fisker Anders Persson

af Arnager mødte som fadder

???ejer Niels Jorgensen, Kro-

mand i Arnager.

Vaccineret d 27 Juni

1866 af Zahrtmann

Instead of fisherman Anders Persson

of Arnager met as a witness

???owner Niels Jørgensen, Inn-

keeper in Arnager.

vaccinated 27 June 1866

by Zahrtmann


  • Here we see Annine’s full name — Annine Margrethe Christine Jensen. Love it!
  • She was also vaccinated (for small pox) by Zahrtmann, like her brother, and parents. I believe him to be the local doctor.
  • In this record and in her brother Laurits’ Christening record Christine’s name is listed as Claudina Christine.

Posted by on 1 April 2012 | Posted in Christening Record, Denmark, Jensen | Comment

Christening Record – Laurits Peter Jensen

If you’ll remember, FamilySearch was not very accurate with its information for Christine Funk/Lund and her husband Peter Jensen. Their marriage date of 1861 has been disproven and fixed to the correct 28 Apr 1865.

In the 1870 Danish Census I found the couple living in the Nylarsker parish with two children, Anine Margrete Jensen (age 3), and Laurits Peter Jensen (age 1).

FamilySearch had a Lauritz (Lewis, actually) listed as being born about 1861. In the census, however, he is 1 year old in 1870. So, the search began.

I started in 1860 just to be sure and checked all the Laurtis’. There were a few, but none where a good match except for this one — (Note: It appears that the priest wrote the witnesses on the wrong line – you can see that the previous baby didn’t have a name so he miss placed it and then marked it for entry 5 – I’ve highlighted the relevant entries.)

Source: Danish State Archives, “Kirkebøger,” digital images, Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline ( : downloaded 7 November 2011), Laurits Peter Jensen Christening Record; Nylarsker Parish, 1868, p. 14, no. 5.





Aar og Datum

Year and Date

d. 16d Fe

bruar 1868

16 February


Barnets fulde Navn

Child’s full name

Laurits Peter Jensen

Daabens Datum enten i Kirken eller hjemme

Christening Date either in the church or at home

d. 29 Marts


i Kirken

29 March


at the church

Forældres Navn, Stand, Haandtering og Opholdsted

Parents’ Name, Social Position, Occupation and Residence

Fisker Peder Jensen

i Arnager og Hustru

Claudine Christine

Funch, 27 Aar gl.

Fisherman Peder Jensen

of Arnager and wife

Claudine Christine

Funch, 27 years old

[Note from JensenJN (From FamilySearch forum): “gl.” = abbreviation for “ammel” = “old”]

Faddernes Navne, Stand og Opholdsted

Witnesses’ Names, Social Position and Residence

Bærkone: Fisker Jacob Steenbergs Hustru Anna Kirstine

Pedersdatter I Arnager

Faddere: Daglejer Hans Peter Marker i Arnager

Daglejer Andreas Peter Hansen i Aakirkeby

Christiane Gul?? Maria Steenberg, Datter

af fisker Jacob Steenberg i Arnager.

Godmother: Fisherman Jacob Steenberg’s wife Anna Kirstine

Pedersdatter of Arnager

Witnesses: Day laborer Hans Peter Marker of Arnager

Day laborer Andreas Peter Hansen of Aakirkeby

Christiane Gul? Maria Steenberg, daughter

of fisherman Jacob Steenberg of Arnager.

[Note from JensenJN: Bærkone (Carry woman) I have never seen that word before, but from the name context there is no doub t that this is the lady, who carried the child to the christening.]

Hvor anført i det alm. Jevnf. Reg. [almindelige Jevnførelses Register]

Where posted in the Index Register

no. 16/38

[Note from JensenJN: I looked up the reference and there is no other information about Lautitz Peter Jensen than his christening. It is only the entry of the witnesses where he placed them wrong. The other entries are made in the proper line.]



Vacc. d 22/6 69

af Zahrtmann

vaccinated 22 June 1869

by Zahrtmann


  • Christine has a younger brother named Laurits (Lewis) Funch who would have been 14 years old at the time of her own son’s birth. 
  • Laurits Jensen was vaccinated by the same doctor as his father and mother.

Posted by on 31 March 2012 | Posted in Christening Record, Jensen | Comment

Didrich Funch – Christening Record

Danish State Archives, “Kirkebøger,” digital images, Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline ( : downloaded 15 July 2011), Didrich Funch, Christening Record, 1816; Nylarskar Parish.

This one was really hard to read. I did the best I could then asked the experts over at the Family Search Denmark Forum. JensenJN helped me out again and filled in some of the missing information. 



Aar og Datum

Year and Date

1816, 25 Marts

1816, 25 March

Barnets fulde Navn

Child’s full name

Didrich Funch

Daabens Datum enten i Kirken eller hjemme

Christening Date either in the church or at home

1816, 3 April

I Kirken

1816, 3 April

at the church

Forældres Navn, Stand, Haandtering og Opholdsted

Parents’ Name, Social Position, Occupation and Residence

Ugivt Quinde, Gertrude

Christine Didrichsdatter

tilhuse p[aa] Degnegaarden i
N[ylarsker], udlagde ved Henrich
Pedersens Kone af Degnegaarden
til Barnefader Johan Rihs,
som er bortrejst ./Ungkarl/.

Unmarried woman, Gertrude
Christine Didrichsdatter
at home at Degnegaarden in
Nylarsker, claimed by Henrich
Pedersen’s wife of Degnegaarden
as child father Johan Rihs,
who has traveled away ./bachelor/.

From JensenJN:
some words are spelled different in today’s Danish:

  • ugivt is now ugift = unmarried
  • quinde is now kvinde = woman, the spelling is very old and believed to be the origin of the English word ‘Queen’
  • tilhuse actually ‘at house’ would today not be used. We would today use ‘boede’ = lived
Faddernes Navne, Stand og Opholdsted

Witnesses’ Names, Social Position and Residence

Christine Jens Hansens p[aa] 19 Sgd i N[ylarsker]
Anna Andreassesdatter p[aa] 32 Sgd i N[ylarsker]
Jens Mognsen p[aa] Sgds ??? i N[ylarsker] og Peder
Olsen Ridder ibid:, Andreas Andersen
af Pedersker S[ogn]. Søren Pedersen p[aa] 6 V??-
neg[a]d[e] i N[ylarsker]
Christine Jens Hansen’s [likely wife] in 19 [Søndergade?] in Nylarsker
Anna Andreassesdatter on 32 [Søndergade?] in Nylarsker
Jens Mognsen on Sgds ??? in Nylarsker and Peder
Olsen Ridder same place, Andreas Andersen
of Pedersker parish. Søren Pedersen on 6 V??-
negade in Nylarsker.???

Hvor anført i jevnfø relsesRegistret.

Where posted in the Index Register

no. 71, 6

Uægte Dreng
p: geistlig ????
Moderen første Gang
udenfor Ægteskab
Illegitimate Boy
[??? ecclesiastic ????]
The mother first time
outside matrimony

Now I have a few questions…First, where did the last name Funch come from? Didrich’s mother’s, Gertrude, last name was Didrichsdatter (so her father was named Didrich?)…was his last name Funch? Didrich’s father is listed as Johan Rihs and Gertrude is listed as unmarried. Did she ever marry Johan? When and who did she marry? I’ll have to keep digging in the parish records. I should also track down the index register and see what that has to say.

I signed up for some classes at the Family History Library in SLC specifically on researching in Denmark. I’m super excited to learn even more!

Posted by on 12 August 2011 | Posted in Christening Record, Funk | Comment