I have a rediculously huge stack of documents and pictures to scan and transcribe, so I thought I better get started. This is a copy of my father’s parent’s marriage certificate.
Genival and Deolinda – 1984 – Sao Marcos, Brazil |
- I love how they listed the exact time of the wedding – “ten hours and twenty five minutes”.
- The witnesses, according to my dad, are my grandmother’s uncle and his wife.
- I thought it was interesting that my grandmother was listed as being born in the “Federal District” until I remembered that Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil at the time. Now the capital is in Brasilia, many hundreds of miles away.
- My grandfather is listed as a machinist. He was a navy man all his life, so I guess he was a machinist for the navy. I never knew that.
- My grandmother is listed as a public worker. She was an accountant for the city of Rio de Janeiro, I remember her telling me she was the first woman to have that job. She also talked about the computers they had in the late 40s and early 50s that would take up entire rooms. Now, she’s on facebook. Go figure!
- They were living on the same street. The story goes that they met when grandma was 13 years old and grandpa was 19. She was just the neighbor girl. They didn’t start dating until she was 18, which would have been just after my grandfather returned from serving in WWII – in which his ship was sunk (!!), or so the story goes.

According to Google Maps, they lived 98 m away from each other, which would take 15 sec to drive in a car. Unfortunately, there was no street view available for this part of Rio de Janeiro.
Source: Twelfth Division, Guanabara, marriage certificate no. B. 80, 70, entry 7.180 (2 October 1948), Genival Marinho de Macedo and Deolinda Ferreira; Parish of Irajá and Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Duljacy Espirito Santo Cardoso – Oficial do Registro Civil e Tabelião vitalicio da Décima
Segunda Circunscrição, Freguezia de Irajá e Jacarepaguá do Estado de Guanabara.
CERTIFICO que revendo em meu cartório o livro n. B. 80.-
de Registro de casamentos, n’ele a jolhas 70.-
acha-se lavrado o termo sob o n. 7. 180.-
do qual consta que no dia 2 de Outubro de 1948.-
às dex.- horas e vinte e cinco.- minutos, na sala dos casamentos.-
perante o Dr. Avelino José da Cunha.-
e as testemunhas Herminio Thomé de Paiva e Emerita Ferreira Paiva.-
receberam-se em matrimônio pelo regime de Comunhão de Bens: GENIVAL MARIN-
que passou a chamar-se DEOLINDA FERREIRA DE MACEDO.-
Êle, de nacionalidade barsileira.-
natural do Est. da Paraiba.-
nascido em 1o de Abril de 1921.-
filho de Antonio Avelino de Macedo e Leonisa Marinho de Macedo.-
estado civil solteiro.-
profissão maquinista.-
e residente rua Marechal Falção da Fronta, 1.365, ap. 202.-
Ela, de nacionalidade brasileira.-
natural do Distrito Federal.-
nascida em 4 de Janeiro de 1927.-
filha de José Ferreira da Fonseca e Anna Ferreria.-
estado civil solteira.-
profissão funcionária pública.-
e residente rua Marechal Falcão da Fronta, 1.457, apt 102.-
Duljacy Espirito Santo Cardoso – Officer of the Civil Register and Notary of the Twelfth
Division, Parish of Irajá and Jacarepaguá in the State of Guanabara.
I hereby certify that in my office reviewing the book n. B. 80.-
of the Registry of Marriages, in the ????? 70.-
can be found under the ???? entry n. 7. 180.-
which states that on the day 2 of October of 1948.-
at ten hours and twenty-five minutes, in the hall of weddings.-
before Dr. Avelino José da Cunha.-
and the witnesses Herminio Thomé de Paiva and Emerita Ferreira Paiva.-
recived each other in matrimony through the communion of the bans: GENIVAL MARIN-
who came to call herself DEOLINDA FERREIRA DE MACEDO.-
He, of nationality brasilian.-
born in the state of Paraiba.-
born on the 1st of April of 1921.-
son of Antonio Avelino de Macedo and Leonisa Marinho de Macedo.-
marital status single.-
profession machinist.-
and residing at rua Marechal Falcção da Fronta, 1.365, ap. 202.-
She, of nationality brasilian.-
born in the Federal District.- (Rio de Janeiro)
born on the 4th of January of 1927.-
daughter of José Ferreira da Fonseca and Anna Ferreria.-
marital status single.-
profession public worker.-
and residing at rua Marechal Falcão da Fronta, 1.457, apt 102.-
Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 28 June 2012 | Posted in de Macedo, Maps, Marriage Certificate |
Since looking at my Grandfather’s death certificate I thought I should try to track down the other “documents” of his life. First, I decided to find his birth record.
Source: Family Search, “Brazil, Catholic Church Records,” digital image, Family Search (familysearch.org : downloaded 13 September 2011), Christening of Genival de Macedo, 8 Apr 1921, Sao Sebastiao, Picui, Paraiba, Brazil, page 32, entry 76; from dioceses and local parish archives throughout Brazil.
Aos oito de Abril de mil novecentos e vinte e um baptizei solenemente a Genival nacido o um de Abril do mesmo anno, filho legítimo de Antonio Avellino de Macedo e Leonizia Marinho de Macedo. Foram padrinhos Abdias Genuinro de Farias e Celidonia Marinho de Farias.
Para constar fiz este assento.
Pe. Antonio Augusto, Vigário
Casou-se na Arquidiocese do Rio de Janeiro, com Deolinda Ferreira aos 2-10-1948
On the 8th of April of nineteen twenty one I solemnly baptised Genival, born on the 1st of April of the same year, legitimate son of Antonio Avellino de Macedo and Leonizia Marinho de Macedo. The godparents were Abdias Genuinro de Farias and Celidonia Marinho de Fairas.
For the record I made this entry.
Father Antonio Augusto, Vicar
Married at the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro to Deolinda Ferreira on 2 Oct 1948.
About the side note:I thought it was interesting that the priest went back and noted Genival’s marriage to the side of his birth record. My father said that since Genival’s mother died when he was a young child he was raised by another woman and when he joined the military he gave his name with that woman’s maiden name as his middle name (which is the Brazilian naming custom) to honor her. When he went to marry my grandmother the name he gave was different than what was on his military records so the priest requested a copy of his original birth record to verify who he was. So, when the priest in Picui looked up his birth record he noted to the side that Genival married Deolinda.
I know my Grandfather was a navy man all his life and retired from the military. I would love to get access to his military records and corroborate all the stories he told us when we were kids. According to grandpa, during World War II his ship was sunk twice…he even had a wicked scar on his arm to “prove” it. I’d love to find the records that show him as assigned to those ships and records of what happened to those ships…perhaps even photographs. I may have to assign this out to my grandmother since she is in Rio and may have to go to some repository to get those documents.
Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 31 May 2012 | Posted in Birth Record, de Macedo |
Genival Marinho de Macedo, abt 1955 |
I guess before I get too carried away with researching my Dad’s side of the family I better start by reviewing what I know and the people closest to me. Here’s my paternal grandfather’s death certificate.
Source: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dante Alighieri Campos Seixas, Death Certificate fl. 30, book C-0279, certificate no. 49230 (24 August 1999), Genival Marinho de Macedo; 23o Oficio de Notas, Jacarepagua/RJ.
Certifico que à fl. 30 do livro no C-0279 de registro de óbitos, sob o número de ordem 49230, foi lavrado o óbito de GENIVAL MARINHO DE MACEDO, falecido aos 24 dias do mês de agosto do ano de 1999, às 01:10 horas, no(a) Via Pública-Linha Amarela-RJ, do sexo masculine, filho de Antonio Avelino de Macedo e Leonizia Marinho de Macedo, com 78 Anos de idade, profissão: ex-combatente, Estado Civil: casado com Deolinda Ferreira de Macedo, residente na Estrada da Boiuna, 1133, c/63-Taquara-RJ, natural de Paraíba. Deixou 1 filho(a) maior, deixou bens, não deixou testament, era eleitor. No do CPF: 025668187-20. Identidade No: MM42109. Causa mortis: insuficiência respiratória, doença pulmonary obstrutiva crônica, cardiomiopatia. Médico atestante: Dr(a). Fernando M. Theóphilo, Local do sepultamento: Jardim da Saudade de Sulacap – RJ. Declarante: Orlando Borges Fraga. Observações: *–*–*–*.
I certify that page 30 of book no. C-0279 of the registers of death, under the order (certificate) number 49230, was recorded the death of GENIVAL MARINHO DE MACEDO, died on the 24th day of the month of August in the year 1999, at 01:10 o’clock, on the Via Pública-Linha Amarela-RJ, sex male, son of Antonio Avelino de Macedo and Leonizia Marinho de Macedo, at 78 years of age, occupation: veteran, status: married to Deolinda Ferreira de Macedo, residence: Estrada da Boiuna, 1133, c/63-Taquara-RJ, native of Paraíba. Leaves one child of age, assets left, left no will, was a voter. CPF (SSN): 025668187-20. Identification no: MM42109. Cause of death: insufficient respiration, chronic pulmonary obstruction disease, cardiomyopathy. Medical certifying officer: Dr. Fernando M. Theóphilo, Location of Burial: Jardim da Saudade de Sulacap – RJ. Declarant: Orando Borges Fraga. Observations: [blank]
Of Note:
- He died at 1:10 am on the “Via Pública-Linha Amarela-RJ” which is a freeway. I think he was in an ambulance.
- Lists his parents and his age but not his birthdate. Good thing I already knew that.
- I wonder who the declarant is. I’ll have to ask my dad if he knows him.
Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 15 September 2011 | Posted in de Macedo, Death Certificate |
Antonio Avelino de Macedo was married before he married my great-grandmother Leonizia. According to his marriage record to Leonizia, he was the widow of Maria Avelina da Conceicao. I thought I better try to find her death record. I knew she died before 7 April 1920 when Antonio married Leonizia but didn’t know how long she had been dead. I figured if, as according to my dad, he married 5 times, he didn’t wait very long between marriages. So I started looking back from 1920 for Maria’s death record. There are LOTS of Maria’s in Brazil!!! I looked for the name (off to the side) then looked for the age. Many of the Maria’s were young children or single/widows. Then I found her!
Source: Family Search, “Brazil, Catholic Church Records,” digital image, Family Search (familysearch.org : downloaded 12 September 2011), Death of Maria Avelina da Conceicao, 8 Mar 1919, Sao Sebastiao, Picui, Paraiba, Brazil, Anno de 1919, entry 25; from dioceses and local parish archives throughout Brazil.
Aos oito de Marco de mil novecentos e dezenove foi sepultado no Cemiterio publico desta Villa o cadaver de Maria Amelia da Conceicao com quarenta e trez annos de idade cazada com Antonio Avelino de Macedo, o cadaver foi emcommendado moradores nesta Freguezia.
Para constar mandei fazer este assento.
Pe Antonio augusto, Vigario
On the eighth of March of nineteen hundred and nineteen was buried in the Public Cemetery of this township the body of Maria Amelia da Conceicao at fourty three years of age married to Antonio Avelino de Macedo, the body was designated as residents of this County.
For the record I made this truthful account
Father Antonio Augusto, vicar.
Items of Note:
- Maria died on 8 Mar 1919, and Antonio married his next wife, Leonizia on 7 Apr 1920 just over a year later.
- Maria was 43 years old when she died, did she really die in childbirth and was it really her first child as my father said? If Maria was Antonio’s 3rd wife, maybe she was married before? Or, maybe they hadn’t been married long?
Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 14 September 2011 | Posted in da Conceicao, de Macedo, Death Record |