I have a rediculously huge stack of documents and pictures to scan and transcribe, so I thought I better get started. This is a copy of my father’s parent’s marriage certificate.
Genival and Deolinda – 1984 – Sao Marcos, Brazil |
- I love how they listed the exact time of the wedding – “ten hours and twenty five minutes”.
- The witnesses, according to my dad, are my grandmother’s uncle and his wife.
- I thought it was interesting that my grandmother was listed as being born in the “Federal District” until I remembered that Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil at the time. Now the capital is in Brasilia, many hundreds of miles away.
- My grandfather is listed as a machinist. He was a navy man all his life, so I guess he was a machinist for the navy. I never knew that.
- My grandmother is listed as a public worker. She was an accountant for the city of Rio de Janeiro, I remember her telling me she was the first woman to have that job. She also talked about the computers they had in the late 40s and early 50s that would take up entire rooms. Now, she’s on facebook. Go figure!
- They were living on the same street. The story goes that they met when grandma was 13 years old and grandpa was 19. She was just the neighbor girl. They didn’t start dating until she was 18, which would have been just after my grandfather returned from serving in WWII – in which his ship was sunk (!!), or so the story goes.

According to Google Maps, they lived 98 m away from each other, which would take 15 sec to drive in a car. Unfortunately, there was no street view available for this part of Rio de Janeiro.
Source: Twelfth Division, Guanabara, marriage certificate no. B. 80, 70, entry 7.180 (2 October 1948), Genival Marinho de Macedo and Deolinda Ferreira; Parish of Irajá and Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Duljacy Espirito Santo Cardoso – Oficial do Registro Civil e Tabelião vitalicio da Décima
Segunda Circunscrição, Freguezia de Irajá e Jacarepaguá do Estado de Guanabara.
CERTIFICO que revendo em meu cartório o livro n. B. 80.-
de Registro de casamentos, n’ele a jolhas 70.-
acha-se lavrado o termo sob o n. 7. 180.-
do qual consta que no dia 2 de Outubro de 1948.-
às dex.- horas e vinte e cinco.- minutos, na sala dos casamentos.-
perante o Dr. Avelino José da Cunha.-
e as testemunhas Herminio Thomé de Paiva e Emerita Ferreira Paiva.-
receberam-se em matrimônio pelo regime de Comunhão de Bens: GENIVAL MARIN-
que passou a chamar-se DEOLINDA FERREIRA DE MACEDO.-
Êle, de nacionalidade barsileira.-
natural do Est. da Paraiba.-
nascido em 1o de Abril de 1921.-
filho de Antonio Avelino de Macedo e Leonisa Marinho de Macedo.-
estado civil solteiro.-
profissão maquinista.-
e residente rua Marechal Falção da Fronta, 1.365, ap. 202.-
Ela, de nacionalidade brasileira.-
natural do Distrito Federal.-
nascida em 4 de Janeiro de 1927.-
filha de José Ferreira da Fonseca e Anna Ferreria.-
estado civil solteira.-
profissão funcionária pública.-
e residente rua Marechal Falcão da Fronta, 1.457, apt 102.-
Duljacy Espirito Santo Cardoso – Officer of the Civil Register and Notary of the Twelfth
Division, Parish of Irajá and Jacarepaguá in the State of Guanabara.
I hereby certify that in my office reviewing the book n. B. 80.-
of the Registry of Marriages, in the ????? 70.-
can be found under the ???? entry n. 7. 180.-
which states that on the day 2 of October of 1948.-
at ten hours and twenty-five minutes, in the hall of weddings.-
before Dr. Avelino José da Cunha.-
and the witnesses Herminio Thomé de Paiva and Emerita Ferreira Paiva.-
recived each other in matrimony through the communion of the bans: GENIVAL MARIN-
who came to call herself DEOLINDA FERREIRA DE MACEDO.-
He, of nationality brasilian.-
born in the state of Paraiba.-
born on the 1st of April of 1921.-
son of Antonio Avelino de Macedo and Leonisa Marinho de Macedo.-
marital status single.-
profession machinist.-
and residing at rua Marechal Falcção da Fronta, 1.365, ap. 202.-
She, of nationality brasilian.-
born in the Federal District.- (Rio de Janeiro)
born on the 4th of January of 1927.-
daughter of José Ferreira da Fonseca and Anna Ferreria.-
marital status single.-
profession public worker.-
and residing at rua Marechal Falcão da Fronta, 1.457, apt 102.-
Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 28 June 2012 | Posted in de Macedo, Maps, Marriage Certificate |
Anna Thome and Jose Ferreira |
My brother has been helping me with the Brazilian side of my family. He has some time where he can do the digging in the records online. So, I was taking a look at my Grandmother Deolinda’s family to see what records I need him to find for me. In the process, I found her parents’ marriage record online on Family Search. I had my dad help me with the translation and transcription.
Source: Corregedor Geral da Justicia, São Paulo, Brasil, “Brazil Civil Registrations, 1870-2009,” digital image, Family Search (familysearch.org : downloaded 14 March 2012), Jose Ferreira and Anna Thome, Marriage Record, 16 Dec 1911; Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 05ª Circunscrição, Matrimonios 1911 Set – 1912 June V. 15, image 49.
Aos desesseis de dezembro de mil novecentos e onze, nesta cidade de Rio de Janeiro, em a sala de audiencias da Sétima Pretoria, onde se achava o Meritissimo juiz em exercicio, Doutor Flaminio Barbosa de Resende, commigo escrivão ahi, ao meio dia, perante as testemunhas Manoel de Amorim Junior e Alfredo Martins Noronha, receberam-se em matrimonio, com as formalidades legaes e pelo regimen commum , Jose Ferreira e Anna Thomé, naturaes de Portugal e moradores a rua de Nossa Senhora de Copacabana numero trinta, elle, de vinte e seis annos de edade, viuvo, operario, filho natural de Barbara Pinto; ella, de vinte e quarto anos de idade, filha legitima de Francisco Thomé e de Maria de Jesus; os quaes neste acto declararam que não têm parentesco nem impedimento para se casarem com o outro pelo que o Juiz os delarou legitimamente casados e mandou lavrar este temro que, lido e achado conforme, assignaram, fazendo-o a rogo dos nubentes, por não saberem escrever, Conrado da Silva e —————— Augusto de Campos. Eu, —————- escrevente juramentado, no impedimento do —–
Flaminio Barbosa de Rezende
Conrado Da Silva
—- Augusto de Campos
Manoel de de Amorim Jr, 24 annos, commercio, Rua de Da. Clara 186.
Alfredo Martins Noronha. 21 annos, guarda civil, Rua Alice 40.
On the sixteenth of December of nineteen hundred and eleven, in this city of Rio de Janeiro, in the audience room of the 7th Civil Court, where was found the Honorary judge in office, Dr. Flaminio Barbosa de Resende, as well as myself as scribe, at noon, in front of the witnesses Manoel de Amorim Junior and Alfredo Martins Noronha, received each other in matrimony, with the legal formalities and by the regimen of community, José Ferreira and Anna Thomé, originally from Portugal and residing at Rua de Nossa Senhora de Copacabana number 30, he, twenty six years old, widower, workman, natural son of Barbara Pinto; she, twenty four years old, legitimate daughter of Francisco Thomé and Maria de Jesus; which in this act declare that are not related and have no hindrance to this marriage, after which the judge declared them legally wedded and asked to create this record which, being read and found correct, signed, at the request of the newlyweds, being both illiterate, Conrado da Silva and —— Augusto de Campos. I, sworn clerk, in the absence of ———————
Flaminio Barbosa de Rezende
Conrado Da Silva
—- Augusto de Campos
Manoel de Amorim Jr, 24 years old, retailer, Rua de Da. Clara 186.
Alfredo Martins Noronha. 21 annos, security, Rua Alice 40.
- According to my dad, Jose should be listed as 36 years old and not 26. He remembers always being told that he was 12 years older than Anna. Here’s his explaination: It could be a misunderstanding due to their accent or they lied because they were also ashamed of the “scandalous difference”. It makes sense because he had children from the first marriage and at 26, it’s possible, but not normal for someone to father a few children and lose his wife and take some time for mourning before re-marrying.
- Also, the name I have for Jose’s mother is Barbara Rita not Barbara Pinto. Maybe that’s why I’ve had such trouble moving back.
- This record lists where they were living – Rua de Nossa Senhora de Copacabana number 30 (literally Our Lady of Copacabana Street). So, a quick search on GoogleMaps gave me a visual of the location…just two blocks from the beach.
Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 14 March 2012 | Posted in Ferreira, Maps, Marriage Record, Photograph, Thome |