I’m working my way through scanning all these awesome photos I have from aunt Jeanine. I’ll post some as I go along.
Elizabeth (Patrick) Taylor b. 9 Dec 1793, Meclenberg, Virginia, United Stated m: 22 Mar 1811, Warren, Kentucky, United States to: William Taylor (1787-1839) d: 25 Oct 1880, Harrisville, Weber, Utah Territory, United States
I don’t have a photograph for Peter Jensen – another good reason for decendancy research.
Since I already had Peter and Christine’s marriage record from 1865 in Nylarsker parish I thought I might try to find them in the 1870 Census. I guessed they may have stayed in Nylarsker, but since I didn’t know where Peter was from I wasn’t sure. Instead of looking through the 49 pages of census records for the parish–which I would have been willing to do–I decided to use the online index first to see if they were even in that parish. Using the Dansk Demografisk Database I looked for “Peder Jensen” in “Bornholm” in the “1870” Census. I further restricted his age to “30-39.” The first entry looked promising, so I selected “Show Household”:
I had seen Christine’s name listed as “Claudine Christine” in various online databases so I was okay with the name variation, particularly since her birth place matched what I had. So here we see two children born into the family.
Feeling good about this entry I decided to go ahead and pull up the original image:
Source: 1870 Danish Census, Arnager, Bornholm, Denmark, population, Arnager, Bornholm, p. 123, line 15-18, Poder Jensen Family; digitial images, Statens Arkiver (www.sa.dk/ao : downloaded 8 November 2011); Danish National Archives.
Transcription / Translation: Byernes eller Stedernes Navne med Anførsel af Gaarde, Huse, o.s.v.
The towns’ or the Places’ Names with Information off Farms, Houses, etc. Arnager Huus House
Familiernes Antal Number of the Families 1
Personernes Løbenummer The Persons’ Sequence Number [see next column]
Samtlige Personers fulde Navn (Udøbte Børn anføres as ”Udøbt Drengebarn” eller ”Udøbt Pigebarn”) All the Persons full Names (not Christianed Chrildren are to be listed as “not christianed boy child” or “not christianed girl child”) 15) Poder Jensen 16) Claûdina Christine Jensen 17) Anine Margrete Jensen
18) Laûritz Peter Jensen
Kjøn Mandkjøn (M.) eller Kvindekjøn (K.) Gender Male Gender (M.) or Female gender (K.) 15) M Male 16) K Female 17) K Female 18) M Male
Alder Alderen anføres med det f y l d t e Aar, men for Børn, der ikke have fyldt 1 Aar, anføres ”Under 1 Aar” Age The age is to be listed with the filled year, but for childrem who are not 1 full year are to be listed as “under 1 Year” 15) 30 16) 29 17) 3 18) 1
Ægteskabelig Stilling Ugift (U.), Gift (G.), Fraskilt (F.) Enkemand eller Enke (E.) Marital Status Unmarried (U.), Married (G.),Divorced (F.), Widower or Widow (E.) 15) G Married 16) G Married 17) U Unmarried 18) U Unmarried
Trosbekendelsen Confession 15) Lutheran 16) do. Same 17) do. Same 18) do. Same
Fødested, nemlig Kiøbstadens eller Sognets og Amtets Navn, og for de i Bilandene og kolonierne Fødte samt for Udlændinge Landet, hvor de ere fødte Place of Birth, namely the city’s or the name of the parish and County and for those born in the colonies*) as well as for foreigners the country, where they are born. 15) Nylars 16) Aaker 17) Nylars 18) do. Same
*) Bilandene and Colonierne are two words for the same thing: Colonies
Stilling i Familien Huusfader, Huusmoder, Børn, Slægtning, Tjenesteydende, Logerende o.s.v. Position in the Family Housfather, Housemother, Children, Relation, employees, Lodging etc. 15) Huusfader Housefather 16) Huusmoder Housemother 17) Dater Daughter 18) Søn Son
Titel, Embede, Forretning, Næringsvei eller af hvilket Erhverv de leve af (som Hoverperson eller som Medhjælper (Forvalter, Svend eller Dreng o.s.v.) eller om de forsørges af Fattighuset Title, Office,Business,Livelihood of of which occupation they live from (as Main Person [self-employed] or as Employee (Manager, Employee or Lad etc.) or if they are supported by the Poor House 15) Fisker Fisher 16) [blank] 17) [blank] 18) [blank]
Hvorvidt vedkommende er: Whether he or she is: Døvstum| Døv (Hørelsen aldeles berøvet)| Blind (Synet aldeles berøvet Deaf and Dumb | Deaf (Hearing completely deprived) | Blind (sight completely deprived) [blank]
Hvorvidt vedkommende er [column continuer] Forstanden Berøvet fra Fødselen| fra et senere Tidspunkt Deprived of Sanity from birth | from a later time [blank]
Anmærkninger Remarks
They are listed as “Lutheran” while I know that by this point Christine’s family have all joined the LDS Church and are listed in the same census–in fact on the very next page–as “Mormon”. I’ll have to take another look at the Bornholm LDS Branch records and see if I can find any information about Christine or Peter’s baptism.
If Peter and Christine were still Lutheran then their children would have been christened and should be found in the parish records. Both are listed as being born in Nylarsker.
Peter’s occupation is “Fisher” and so is his father-in-law Didrich’s. Do they work together?
I now know that Peter was born in the Nylarsker parish so I can search for his christening record. He would have been born about 1840.
My brother has been helping me with the Brazilian side of my family. He has some time where he can do the digging in the records online. So, I was taking a look at my Grandmother Deolinda’s family to see what records I need him to find for me. In the process, I found her parents’ marriage record online on Family Search. I had my dad help me with the translation and transcription.
Source: Corregedor Geral da Justicia, São Paulo, Brasil, “Brazil Civil Registrations, 1870-2009,” digital image, Family Search (familysearch.org : downloaded 14 March 2012), Jose Ferreira and Anna Thome, Marriage Record, 16 Dec 1911; Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 05ª Circunscrição, Matrimonios 1911 Set – 1912 June V. 15, image 49.
Aos desesseis de dezembro de mil novecentos e onze, nesta cidade de Rio de Janeiro, em a sala de audiencias da Sétima Pretoria, onde se achava o Meritissimo juiz em exercicio, Doutor Flaminio Barbosa de Resende, commigo escrivão ahi, ao meio dia, perante as testemunhas Manoel de Amorim Junior e Alfredo Martins Noronha, receberam-se em matrimonio, com as formalidades legaes e pelo regimen commum , Jose Ferreira e Anna Thomé, naturaes de Portugal e moradores a rua de Nossa Senhora de Copacabana numero trinta, elle, de vinte e seis annos de edade, viuvo, operario, filho natural de Barbara Pinto; ella, de vinte e quarto anos de idade, filha legitima de Francisco Thomé e de Maria de Jesus; os quaes neste acto declararam que não têm parentesco nem impedimento para se casarem com o outro pelo que o Juiz os delarou legitimamente casados e mandou lavrar este temro que, lido e achado conforme, assignaram, fazendo-o a rogo dos nubentes, por não saberem escrever, Conrado da Silva e —————— Augusto de Campos. Eu, —————- escrevente juramentado, no impedimento do —– Flaminio Barbosa de Rezende Conrado Da Silva —- Augusto de Campos Manoel de de Amorim Jr, 24 annos, commercio, Rua de Da. Clara 186. Alfredo Martins Noronha. 21 annos, guarda civil, Rua Alice 40.
On the sixteenth of December of nineteen hundred and eleven, in this city of Rio de Janeiro, in the audience room of the 7th Civil Court, where was found the Honorary judge in office, Dr. Flaminio Barbosa de Resende, as well as myself as scribe, at noon, in front of the witnesses Manoel de Amorim Junior and Alfredo Martins Noronha, received each other in matrimony, with the legal formalities and by the regimen of community, José Ferreira and Anna Thomé, originally from Portugal and residing at Rua de Nossa Senhora de Copacabana number 30, he, twenty six years old, widower, workman, natural son of Barbara Pinto; she, twenty four years old, legitimate daughter of Francisco Thomé and Maria de Jesus; which in this act declare that are not related and have no hindrance to this marriage, after which the judge declared them legally wedded and asked to create this record which, being read and found correct, signed, at the request of the newlyweds, being both illiterate, Conrado da Silva and —— Augusto de Campos. I, sworn clerk, in the absence of ——————— Flaminio Barbosa de Rezende Conrado Da Silva —- Augusto de Campos Manoel de Amorim Jr, 24 years old, retailer, Rua de Da. Clara 186. Alfredo Martins Noronha. 21 annos, security, Rua Alice 40.
According to my dad, Jose should be listed as 36 years old and not 26. He remembers always being told that he was 12 years older than Anna. Here’s his explaination: It could be a misunderstanding due to their accent or they lied because they were also ashamed of the “scandalous difference”. It makes sense because he had children from the first marriage and at 26, it’s possible, but not normal for someone to father a few children and lose his wife and take some time for mourning before re-marrying.
Also, the name I have for Jose’s mother is Barbara Rita not Barbara Pinto. Maybe that’s why I’ve had such trouble moving back.
This record lists where they were living – Rua de Nossa Senhora de Copacabana number 30 (literally Our Lady of Copacabana Street). So, a quick search on GoogleMaps gave me a visual of the location…just two blocks from the beach.
I’m excited to work further back on the Taylor side of the family, but before I can do that I need to make sure I know all I can about each generation. Starting with Victor Lund and his wife Edith Pearl Taylor.
Source: Utah, Utah Marriages, 1887-1966, batch no. M74786-4, source film no. 1324681, nef. no. 5428 p467 #F (833), Victor Erastus Lund, 18 January 1911; digital images, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Family Search (www.familysearch.org : accessed 7 May 2011); Family History Library.
Last year I found the record of Victor and Pearl’s marriage on Family Search, but it was only the index and no image. On one of my trips to the Family History Library, I pulled up the film and copied it.
Mr. Victor Erastus Lund of Plain City in the County of Weber and the State of Utah of the age of 22 years and MissEdith Pearl Taylor of Plain City in the County of Weber and the State of Utah of the age of 19 years the ___ of said ___ having given ___ assent to said Marriage.
In Witness Wherof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in Ogden City, Weber County, State of Utah, this the 17th day of Jany AD 1911.
(signed) P.G. Dye, County Clerk
By (signed) Jno. V. Bluth, Deputy.
State of Utah
County of Salt Lake
I hereby certify that on the ___ day of JAN 18 1911 in the year of our Lord one thousand nien hundred and ___ at Salt Lake City in said County, I the undersigned an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints did join in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony according to the laws of this State Victor E. Lund of the County of Weber, State of Utah and Edith P. Taylor of the County of Weber, State of Utah.
Signed – Victor E. Lund (groom)
Signed – Edith P. Taylor (bride)
(signed) Alfred Solomon (witness)
(signed) B Morris Young (witness)
(signed) Anthon H. Lund
An Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
It’s so interesting to see that they were married in the same place as Troy and I were, the Salt Lake Temple. They were young, 19 and 22, which is only one year younger than Troy and I when we married almost 100 years later.
I love that this document also has their signatures:
I also love looking at photographs of our ancestors. It’s interesting how much Troy and our son James look like Victor –
Why, its the study of the Lund's, of course! I am jumping in to researching our family history and seeing where it takes me. We are the Lund's. We come from Lund's, Ranson's, DeMacedo's, Lima's, Anderson's, Warner's, Ferreira's, Da Silva's and beyond! Since my own side of the family is from Brazil, it is quite difficult to track things down. Troy's side, on the other hand, has proven to be much easier. So, I'll be jumping back and forth and all around to learn about where we come from.
Are you related to us? I'd love to learn more about you and share what I know about our common ancestors!