My brother has been helping me with the Brazilian side of my family. He has some time where he can do the digging in the records online. So, I was taking a look at my Grandmother Deolinda’s family to see what records I need him to find for me. In the process, I found her parents’ marriage record online on Family Search. I had my dad help me with the translation and transcription.
Source: Corregedor Geral da Justicia, São Paulo, Brasil, “Brazil Civil Registrations, 1870-2009,” digital image, Family Search ( : downloaded 14 March 2012), Jose Ferreira and Anna Thome, Marriage Record, 16 Dec 1911; Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 05ª Circunscrição, Matrimonios 1911 Set – 1912 June V. 15, image 49.
Aos desesseis de dezembro de mil novecentos e onze, nesta cidade de Rio de Janeiro, em a sala de audiencias da Sétima Pretoria, onde se achava o Meritissimo juiz em exercicio, Doutor Flaminio Barbosa de Resende, commigo escrivão ahi, ao meio dia, perante as testemunhas Manoel de Amorim Junior e Alfredo Martins Noronha, receberam-se em matrimonio, com as formalidades legaes e pelo regimen commum , Jose Ferreira e Anna Thomé, naturaes de Portugal e moradores a rua de Nossa Senhora de Copacabana numero trinta, elle, de vinte e seis annos de edade, viuvo, operario, filho natural de Barbara Pinto; ella, de vinte e quarto anos de idade, filha legitima de Francisco Thomé e de Maria de Jesus; os quaes neste acto declararam que não têm parentesco nem impedimento para se casarem com o outro pelo que o Juiz os delarou legitimamente casados e mandou lavrar este temro que, lido e achado conforme, assignaram, fazendo-o a rogo dos nubentes, por não saberem escrever, Conrado da Silva e —————— Augusto de Campos. Eu, —————- escrevente juramentado, no impedimento do —– Flaminio Barbosa de Rezende Conrado Da Silva —- Augusto de Campos Manoel de de Amorim Jr, 24 annos, commercio, Rua de Da. Clara 186. Alfredo Martins Noronha. 21 annos, guarda civil, Rua Alice 40.
On the sixteenth of December of nineteen hundred and eleven, in this city of Rio de Janeiro, in the audience room of the 7th Civil Court, where was found the Honorary judge in office, Dr. Flaminio Barbosa de Resende, as well as myself as scribe, at noon, in front of the witnesses Manoel de Amorim Junior and Alfredo Martins Noronha, received each other in matrimony, with the legal formalities and by the regimen of community, José Ferreira and Anna Thomé, originally from Portugal and residing at Rua de Nossa Senhora de Copacabana number 30, he, twenty six years old, widower, workman, natural son of Barbara Pinto; she, twenty four years old, legitimate daughter of Francisco Thomé and Maria de Jesus; which in this act declare that are not related and have no hindrance to this marriage, after which the judge declared them legally wedded and asked to create this record which, being read and found correct, signed, at the request of the newlyweds, being both illiterate, Conrado da Silva and —— Augusto de Campos. I, sworn clerk, in the absence of ——————— Flaminio Barbosa de Rezende Conrado Da Silva —- Augusto de Campos Manoel de Amorim Jr, 24 years old, retailer, Rua de Da. Clara 186. Alfredo Martins Noronha. 21 annos, security, Rua Alice 40.
According to my dad, Jose should be listed as 36 years old and not 26. He remembers always being told that he was 12 years older than Anna. Here’s his explaination: It could be a misunderstanding due to their accent or they lied because they were also ashamed of the “scandalous difference”. It makes sense because he had children from the first marriage and at 26, it’s possible, but not normal for someone to father a few children and lose his wife and take some time for mourning before re-marrying.
Also, the name I have for Jose’s mother is Barbara Rita not Barbara Pinto. Maybe that’s why I’ve had such trouble moving back.
This record lists where they were living – Rua de Nossa Senhora de Copacabana number 30 (literally Our Lady of Copacabana Street). So, a quick search on GoogleMaps gave me a visual of the location…just two blocks from the beach.
The United States joined World War I on April 6, 1917. The Selective Service Act of 1917 required all males aged 21 to 30 to register for military service. Later the age range was expanded to include ages 18 to 45 and to ban volunteering. 4.8 million Americans served during World War I, and about 2.8 million of those were drafted. Approximately 24 million men registered for World War I.
Victor Erastus Lund took part in the first registration, on June 5, 1917 which was for all men ages of 21 to 31. The draft cards are two sided with the draftee filling out the front side and the official completing the back.
click on image to enlarge.
Source: “World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918,” digital image, United States, Selective Service System, ( : downloaded 6 May 2011), Victor Erastus Lund Registration Card; citing World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, form 664, card no. 10233.
Registration Card
Form 664
No. 10233
·Name in Full – Victor Erastus Lund, age in yrs. 28
·Home address – Plain City, Utah
·Date of Birth – Dec 13, 1888
·Are you – “natural born”
·Where where you born? – Plain City, Utah
·If not a citizen, of what country are you a citizen or subject? —
·What is your present trade, occupation, or office? – Farming
·By whom employed? – myself
·Where employed? – Plain City
·Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support (specify which)? – wife – one child
·Married or single (which)? – married
·Race (specify which)? – Caucasian
·What military service have you had? – none
·Do you claim exemption from draft (specify grounds)? —
I affirm that I have verified above answers and that they are true.
(signed) Victor Erastus Lund
Registrar’s Report
A 43-1-34
·Tall, medium or short (specify which)? – Tall
·Slender, medium, or stout (which)? – Medium
·Color of eyes? – Dark Brown
·Color of hair? – Dark Brown
·Bald? —
·Has person lost arm, leg, hand, feet, or both eyes, or is he otherwise disabled (specify)? —
I certify that my answers are ture, that the person registered has read this own answeres, that I have witnesssed his signature, and that all of his answers of which I have knowledge are true, except as follows: _______.
(signed) ???Jackman
Precinct – Plain City
City or County – Weber
State – Utah
Date of registration – June 5
I found this card on Ancestry last year, before I had a photograph of Victor. I love that it lists his characteristics.
The triangle at the bottom of the front side says: “If person is of African descent, tear off this corner.” Not sure why they wanted this information displayed prominently…they already asked for race on the card.
In one of my Family History Library trips I found a book containing the cemetery records for the Plain City Cemetery. I copied the pages with Lund’s and Taylor’s then added them to my database. Under “LUND” there was an entry for Verla.
Source: Evelyn B. Christensen Harris, Plain City, Weber County, Utah cemetery records, typed by the Genealogical Society of Utah (N.p.: The Genealogical Society of Utah, n.d.), 26.
Verla, b. 20 Jan. 1922, Plain City, Ut. child of Victor Erastus Lund & Edith Pearl Taylor, d. 29 Jan. 1933.
This young girl died at 11 years old! At the time I didn’t continue my research, but since I’ve been looking at census records for Victor Lund’s family I found Verla’s name again. In the 1930 census she was 8 years old. How did she die? To find out I went to the Utah State Archives and found her death certificate.
Source: State of Utah, Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1956, Series 81448, Entry 14159, Verla Lund, 29 March 1933; digital images, Utah State Archives and Records Service, Utah State Archives ( : downloaded 4 March 2012); Series no. 81448.
1 Place of Death
County or
Precinct or
City / no. / ward
Ogden / Dee Hospital
2 Full Name
Residence No. / St.
Length of residence in city or town where death occurred (yrs. mos. ds)
How long in U.S., if foreign birth?
Verla Lund
Plain City, Tuah
3 Sex
4 Color or Race
5 Single, Married, Widowed, or Divorced
If Married, Widowed, or divorced, Husband of (or) wife of
6 Date of Birth
January 20, 1922
7 Age
11 yrs. 2 mos. 9 ds.
8 Occupation
9 Birthplace (City or town)
Plain City
(State or Country)
10 Name of Father
Victor Erastus Lund
11 Birthplace of Father (State or Country)
Plain City, Utah
12 Maiden Name of Mother
Pearl Taylor
13 Birthplace of Mother (State or Country)
Plain City, Utah
14 Informant
Mrs. R. F. Cottle
2975 Jackson Ave, Ogden
15 Filed / Registrar
Mar 30 1933 / N. H. Savage
16 Date of Death
March 29, 1933
17 I hereby Certify, That I attended deceased from Feb 28, 1933 to Mar 29, 1933 that I last saw her alive on Mar 29, 1933 and that death occurred, on the date stated above, at 5 PM.
The Cause of Death was as follows: Ruptured appendicitis and peritonitis Duration: 31 ds.
18 Where was the disease contracted if not at place of death?
Did an operation precede death?
Was there an autopsy?
What was the confirmed diagnosis?
(Signed), M.D.
Plain City, Utah
3-30, 1933 / Ogden, Utah
19 Place of Burial, Cremation or Removal
Date of Burial
Plain City, Utah
April 2, 1933
20 Undertaker
Lindquist & Sons
Ogden, Utah
21 Registered No.
22 no of Burial or Removal Permit
Cause of death is listed as “ruptured appendicitis and peritonitis”. So for 31 days this young girl not only had endured the pain of a ruptured appendix but the subsequent infection that ultimately took her life. How overwhelmingly sad. The more I research family history the more grateful I am for the blessings of living in the modern world, and especially for modern medicine. This cause of death would be unheard of in the USA today.
I’m not sure who the informant, a Mrs. R.F. Cottle, is. The only Cottle in my database is a Laurence Nelson Cottle, who married Victor’s aunt Lettie Rosella Lund. Could the R.F. refer to one of their son’s meaning the informant was his wife, making her Victor’s Cousin-in-law? Alternatively, perhaps one of Edith Pearl’s sisters married a Cottle.
The death date is listed incorrectly in the cemetery records.
This is the last census currently available. The 1940 census will be available in April (yeah!) but for now, the trail of documents ends for the Lund family.
Source: 1930 U.S. Census, Plain City Precinct, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, enumeration district (ED) 29-07, sheet 1A, dwelling 10, family 10, Victor E. Lund Family; digital images, Ancestry ( : downloaded 6 May 2011); NARA.
Transcription: 1930 Census Plain City Precinct, Weber Co., Utah
SD 1, ED 29-07, Sheet 1A
3 April 1930
Lines 59-64. Dwelling #10, Family #10.
Line 59. Lund, Victor E., Head, Owned property, no radio, Farm. M, W, age 40, Married, 22 years old when married, can read, can write, place of birth: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Sweden, can speak English, Farmer, Gen. Farm, VVVV, Owner, at work, not a veteran, farm schedule #8.
Line 60. —, Edith P.,Wife, F, W, age 38, Married, 20 years old when married, can read, can write, place of birth: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, can speak English, no employment.
Line 61. —, Ada M., Daughter, F, W, 15, Single, attended school this year, can read, can write, place of birth: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, can speak English, no employment.
Line 62. —, Eugene L., Son, M, W, 11, Single, attended school this year, can read, can write, place of birth: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, can speak English, no employment.
Line 63. —, Verla, Daughter, F, W, 8, Single, attended school this year, place of birth: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, no employment.
Line 64. —, Jeanine, Daughter, F, W, 0, Single, place of birth: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, no employment.
Interesting: Their youngest daughter, Jeanine, is still living in Plain City. She was, in fact, the one who provided me with all of the photographs I have for the Mathias and Didrich Lund families. (Victor’s father and Grandfather)
Why, its the study of the Lund's, of course! I am jumping in to researching our family history and seeing where it takes me. We are the Lund's. We come from Lund's, Ranson's, DeMacedo's, Lima's, Anderson's, Warner's, Ferreira's, Da Silva's and beyond! Since my own side of the family is from Brazil, it is quite difficult to track things down. Troy's side, on the other hand, has proven to be much easier. So, I'll be jumping back and forth and all around to learn about where we come from.
Are you related to us? I'd love to learn more about you and share what I know about our common ancestors!