Source: Grave marker for Hans P. F. Lund, born 17 Apr 1844, died 25 Sep 1872, Plain City Cemetery, Plain City, Weber, Utah, United States. photograph.
Hans P. F. Lund Born Apr 17, 1844 Died Sep 25, 1872 —– Andrew F Lund Born Jan 23, 1827 Died Sep 24 1871 —– Born at Bornholm Denmark
But who is Andrew? In the database I have a brother for Hans named Jacob Andreas Funk Lund, and I have that he died 24 Sept 1871. But I have that he was born 23 Jan 1846. Could Andrew be an uncle? Is the birth year wrong on the grave marker? That seems odd as I would think the family would want a correct grave marker. I’ll have to look for a grave marker for Jacob and see if he is buried somewhere else. I would really like to find out how these brothers died as they were both so young (25 and 28 years old).
Going back over some documents, I decided to investigate Janus Lund’s death. I previously posted his death certificate. On it his cause of death is listed as Internal injuries which happened 4 days earlier, at home. Also listed was a fractured skull. I figured with such a traumatic injury there had to be something in the local paper, Ogden Standard Examiner – all found online.
5 Sept 1908
Plain City Farmer is Seriously Injured
On his farm near Plain City, yesterday, James Lund, while at work on a threshing machine, met with a rather peculiar accident, which is likely to prove fatal.
In some manner unexplained, a sack of grain fell upon the unfortunate man, bearing him back and down to the ground, where his head struck an iron projection, facturing his skull.
At the time the sack of grain struck him, Lund had an open knife in his mouth, the blade between his teech [sic]. Paralysis resulted from the blow received by the sack of grain, or from the fracture and it required considerable effort to remove the knife blade from between the unfortunate man’s teeth, which were locked upon it like a vice.
9 Sept 1908 Funeral of J. F. Lund. – The funeral of J. F. Lund will be held at PlainCity at 2 p. m., Thursday. The remains may be viewed from 7 to 9 this evening and from 9 to 10 a. m., Thursday, at Lindquist’s parlors, where the cortege will form, at 10 a. m. on day of funeral and proceed to Plain City.
11 Sept 1908 J. F. Lund Laid to Rest – The body of J. F. Lund was laid to rest in the Plain City cemetery yesterday afternoon, the funeral services being held in the Plain City meeting house at 2 o’clock p. m. Bishop Henry Garner presided over the funeral services and the ward choir furnished appropriate music for the occasion. There was a large attendance at the services and many beautiful floral offerings were brought to the bier by the many friends of the deceased. The speakers were Elders Peter Poulson, Thomas Morgan of Logan, Bishop James Stewart, George W. Brammell and Charles Weatherston.
Source: State of Utah, Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1956, Entry no. 12318, Karen Lund, 17 May 1907; digital images, Utah State Archives and Records Service, Utah State Archives ( : downloaded 7 June 2011); Series no. 81448.
Place of Death
County of
Precinct of
City , Town or Village of
Street and No.
Plain City
Date of Birth
Oct 9th 1815
91 yrs. 7 mos. 8 ds.
Single, Married, Widowed, or Divorced
Birthplace (State or Country)
Bornholm, Denmark
Name of Father
not remembered
Birthplace of Father (State or Country)
Maiden Name of Mother
not known
Birthplace of Mother (State or Country)
J.F. Lund
Plain City
Place of Burial
Plain City
Date of Burial
May 19th 1907
M. Larkins
I hereby Certify, That I attended deceased from {blank} to {blank} that I last saw her alive on {blank} and that death occurred, on the date stated above, at {blank}. The Cause of Death was as follows:
Chief Cause: General Debility.
Where Contracted: Plain City Duration: 10 ds.
Contributory: {blank} Duration: {blank}
Where Contracted: {blank}
(signed) Wm Mathers Registrar
Date: May 18, 1907 (Address) Plain City
May 21, 1907
Registered No.
no of Burial Permit
According to my mother-in-law General Debility means “weakened after a slow decline”. Basically, she died of old age. Her son, Janus F Lund was the informant on the death certificate and all of the information on it is correct according to my database.
In addition to her death certificate I also found two newspaper notices of her death.
18 May 1907 – Death Notice – Karen Lund (Sat.) Mrs. Karen Lund, 91 years of age, a native of Denmark, died at her home in Plain City at 9:25 p. m., Friday. She was born in Bornholm, Denmark, on Oct. 9 1815, became a member of the Mormon church 52 years ago and came to Utah in 1871. She leaves six sons, 45 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held in the Plain City meeting house at 4 p. m., Sunday. Source: University of Utah, “Random References,” death notice, Ogden Standard Examiner, 18 May 1907, death of Karen Lund; online images, Utah Digital Newspapers( : downloaded 8 September 2011).
According to this article, she joined the LDS Church 52 years prior to her death (i.e. 1855) but according my database, and Family Search, she was baptized in 1853 (54 years prior to her death). Family Search also has various baptisms for her done after her death, but within her lifetime 1853 is the only year listed.
20 May 1907 – Death Notice – Karen Lund (Mon.) Service [sic] were held yesterday afternoon over the remains of Mrs. Karen Lund, at Plain City. Mrs. Lund was 91 years old at the time of death. Source: University of Utah, “Random References,” death notice, Ogden Standard Examiner, 20 May 1907, death of Karen Lund; online images, Utah Digital Newspapers( : downloaded 8 September 2011).
Yesterday I posted Archie’s obituary. Today, lets take a look at his birth certificate.
Source: Rich County, Utah, Birth Certificates, 1909; Rich, Jan-Jun, Box 21, Folder 29, image 19, William Archibald Ranson, 21 March 1909; digital images, Utah Office of Vital Records, Utah State Archives ( : downloaded 9 June 2011).
Archie’s Birth Certificate also includes a Supplemental Report of Birth. According to the Utah State Archives website:
Included are Supplemental Report of Birth forms, which are used to certify that a name has been given to a child who was unnamed at the time the original birth certificate was filed, and Affidavit to Amend a Record forms, which are used to correct erroneous information or provide information missing from the original record. In some cases, these documents may be supplemented by correspondence or a copy of church records.
I wish I had the date when the Supplement was filed. It would be nice to know how long it took Joseph and Valate to name him.
State Board of Health File No.
Place of Birth
County of
Precinct of
Town of Village of
City of
William Archibald Ranson
Sex of Child
Twins, Triplet, or Other?
and Number in order of birth
Date of Birth
March 21, 1909
Full Name
Age at Last Birthday
Joseph Ranson
Full Maiden Name
Age at last Birthday
Valate Corless
Number of Child of this Mother
Number of children of this Mother now living
I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child, and that it occurred on March 21, 1909 at 5 a.m.
Premature NO or Still Birth NO
Signature A. Ewing (or A.E. King) MD
Date March 21, 1909 – Physician
Address of Physician or Midwife – Randolph
March 24, 1909
(signed) MS Reay
Registered No.
Supplemental Report of Birth, State of Utah
Place of birth
Registered No.
Sex of Child
Twins, Triplet, or Other?
and Number in order of birth
Date of Birth
March 21, 1909
Father Full Name
Joseph Ranson
Mother Full Maiden Name
Valate Corless
I hereby certify that the child described herein has been named:
Why, its the study of the Lund's, of course! I am jumping in to researching our family history and seeing where it takes me. We are the Lund's. We come from Lund's, Ranson's, DeMacedo's, Lima's, Anderson's, Warner's, Ferreira's, Da Silva's and beyond! Since my own side of the family is from Brazil, it is quite difficult to track things down. Troy's side, on the other hand, has proven to be much easier. So, I'll be jumping back and forth and all around to learn about where we come from.
Are you related to us? I'd love to learn more about you and share what I know about our common ancestors!