Chapter 2 – Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)
Let’s talk about the clubs or organizations you were in during these years, OK? Were you in cub scouts or brownies or were you in a 4-H club? What did you do in those clubs? What about church activities? Were you active in Primary? How did you feel about going? Did you like to learn the songs? Were you anxious to graduate to MIA? Do you have any specific memories about Primary that you can remember? Are they good or bad memories? Did your Primary years help you in your adult life? Tell me about it. How about a “secret club” with some of your friends in the neighborhood? What was the name of the club? (I know it’s a secret, but I won’t tell) Who was int he club and what did you do? Where were these club meetings held? Were these clubs and organizations or groups important to you? Why or why not?
Do you think your involvement or lack of involvement in groups like these had a significant influence in shaping your self concept and values? Were you ever in a children’s choir? Did you ever participate in a dace recital? Were you ever in a sports league of any kind? Do you feel that sports participation on a league level at this early age is wise? Why or why not? Did you perform in a recital with an instrument? How do you feel about children int he grade school level taking lessons and performing? What about in competition? Is it too young? Did it benefit or hurt your early years? Explain.
I guess before I get too carried away with researching my Dad’s side of the family I better start by reviewing what I know and the people closest to me. Here’s my paternal grandfather’s death certificate.
Source: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dante Alighieri Campos Seixas, Death Certificate fl. 30, book C-0279, certificate no. 49230 (24 August 1999), Genival Marinho de Macedo; 23o Oficio de Notas, Jacarepagua/RJ.
Transcription: ÓBITO Certifico que à fl. 30 do livro no C-0279 de registro de óbitos, sob o número de ordem 49230, foi lavrado o óbito de GENIVAL MARINHO DE MACEDO, falecido aos 24 dias do mês de agosto do ano de 1999, às 01:10 horas, no(a) Via Pública-Linha Amarela-RJ, do sexo masculine, filho de Antonio Avelino de Macedo e Leonizia Marinho de Macedo, com 78 Anos de idade, profissão: ex-combatente, Estado Civil: casado com Deolinda Ferreira de Macedo, residente na Estrada da Boiuna, 1133, c/63-Taquara-RJ, natural de Paraíba. Deixou 1 filho(a) maior, deixou bens, não deixou testament, era eleitor. No do CPF: 025668187-20. Identidade No: MM42109. Causa mortis: insuficiência respiratória, doença pulmonary obstrutiva crônica, cardiomiopatia. Médico atestante: Dr(a). Fernando M. Theóphilo, Local do sepultamento: Jardim da Saudade de Sulacap – RJ. Declarante: Orlando Borges Fraga. Observações: *–*–*–*.
Translation: DEATH I certify that page 30 of book no. C-0279 of the registers of death, under the order (certificate) number 49230, was recorded the death of GENIVAL MARINHO DE MACEDO, died on the 24th day of the month of August in the year 1999, at 01:10 o’clock, on the Via Pública-Linha Amarela-RJ, sex male, son of Antonio Avelino de Macedo and Leonizia Marinho de Macedo, at 78 years of age, occupation: veteran, status: married to Deolinda Ferreira de Macedo, residence: Estrada da Boiuna, 1133, c/63-Taquara-RJ, native of Paraíba. Leaves one child of age, assets left, left no will, was a voter. CPF (SSN): 025668187-20. Identification no: MM42109. Cause of death: insufficient respiration, chronic pulmonary obstruction disease, cardiomyopathy. Medical certifying officer: Dr. Fernando M. Theóphilo, Location of Burial: Jardim da Saudade de Sulacap – RJ. Declarant: Orando Borges Fraga. Observations: [blank]
Of Note:
He died at 1:10 am on the “Via Pública-Linha Amarela-RJ” which is a freeway. I think he was in an ambulance.
Lists his parents and his age but not his birthdate. Good thing I already knew that.
I wonder who the declarant is. I’ll have to ask my dad if he knows him.
Antonio Avelino de Macedo was married before he married my great-grandmother Leonizia. According to his marriage record to Leonizia, he was the widow of Maria Avelina da Conceicao. I thought I better try to find her death record. I knew she died before 7 April 1920 when Antonio married Leonizia but didn’t know how long she had been dead. I figured if, as according to my dad, he married 5 times, he didn’t wait very long between marriages. So I started looking back from 1920 for Maria’s death record. There are LOTS of Maria’s in Brazil!!! I looked for the name (off to the side) then looked for the age. Many of the Maria’s were young children or single/widows. Then I found her!
Source: Family Search, “Brazil, Catholic Church Records,” digital image, Family Search ( : downloaded 12 September 2011), Death of Maria Avelina da Conceicao, 8 Mar 1919, Sao Sebastiao, Picui, Paraiba, Brazil, Anno de 1919, entry 25; from dioceses and local parish archives throughout Brazil.
Maria Aos oito de Marco de mil novecentos e dezenove foi sepultado no Cemiterio publico desta Villa o cadaver de Maria Amelia da Conceicao com quarenta e trez annos de idade cazada com Antonio Avelino de Macedo, o cadaver foi emcommendado moradores nesta Freguezia. Para constar mandei fazer este assento. Pe Antonio augusto, Vigario
Maria On the eighth of March of nineteen hundred and nineteen was buried in the Public Cemetery of this township the body of Maria Amelia da Conceicao at fourty three years of age married to Antonio Avelino de Macedo, the body was designated as residents of this County. For the record I made this truthful account Father Antonio Augusto, vicar.
Items of Note:
Maria died on 8 Mar 1919, and Antonio married his next wife, Leonizia on 7 Apr 1920 just over a year later.
Maria was 43 years old when she died, did she really die in childbirth and was it really her first child as my father said? If Maria was Antonio’s 3rd wife, maybe she was married before? Or, maybe they hadn’t been married long?
After looking at Leonizia’s Death Certificate I decided to look for the church Marriage Record so that I could find out more information about her. Here’s the record of their marriage in the Parrish records (bottom right entry). I had my dad help me with translating and understanding some of the words.
Source: Family Search, “Brazil, Catholic Church Records,” digital image, Family Search ( : downloaded 9 September 2011), Marriage of Antonio de Macedo and Leonisia Marinho, 7 Apr 1920, Sao Sebastiao, Picui, Paraiba, Brazil, Anno de 1920, entry 4; from dioceses and local parish archives throughout Brazil.
Aos sete de Abril de mil novecentos e vinte, nesta matriz de Picuhy, servatis servandis, perante as testemunhas Bel Jose Bezerra Dantas e Theophanos Alves da Silva, assisti ao recebimento matrimonial de Antonio Avelino de Macedo, viuvo de Maria Amelia da Conceicao, com Leonizia Marinho do Rego, elle filho legitimo de Antonio Avelino de Macedo e Petronilla Maria dos Prazeres, ella filha legitima de Luiz Jose Marinho e Avelina Rosa Marinho. Para constar fiz este assento. Pe. Antonio Augusto, Vigario.
On the seventh of April of nineteen twenty, in this parish of Picuhy, servatis servandis (latin for: With what is to be preserved having been preserved) in the presence of witnesses, Bachelor/Graduate Jose Bezerra Dantas and Theophanos Alves da Silva, I witnessed the nuptials/matrimony of Antonio Avelino de Macedo, widower of Maria Amelia da Conceicao with Leonizia Marinho do Rego, him a legal son of Antonio Avelino de Macedo and Petronilla Maria dos Prazeres, her legal daughter of Luiz Jose Marinho and Avelina Rosa Marinho. To document it I made this record. Father Antonio Augusto, vicar.
Interesting Items:
The date we had in the database for the marriage was wrong! We had 6th of April instead of 7th of April.
One of the witnesses is listed as “Bel” which means Bachelor…but not unmarried man, rather a man with a bachelor degree.
Antonio was married before to Maria. When I asked my dad about this he said that Leonizia was Antonio’s 4th wife. His first 4 wives died in childbirth, the first three wives with their first child. Leonizia had two children, my Grandfather and Great Uncle. According to my father, Antonio was married one last time after Leonizia. I need to go back and find all these marriage/death/birth records.
Now I can add Antonio’s father and correct Leonizia’s parents’ names in our database.
Why, its the study of the Lund's, of course! I am jumping in to researching our family history and seeing where it takes me. We are the Lund's. We come from Lund's, Ranson's, DeMacedo's, Lima's, Anderson's, Warner's, Ferreira's, Da Silva's and beyond! Since my own side of the family is from Brazil, it is quite difficult to track things down. Troy's side, on the other hand, has proven to be much easier. So, I'll be jumping back and forth and all around to learn about where we come from.
Are you related to us? I'd love to learn more about you and share what I know about our common ancestors!