Census 1880 – Lund Families – Plain City, Weber, Utah

Three families on one page! This was a very interesting census and raised a lot of questions. Let’s get to it.

1880 U.S. Census, Plain City, Weber, Utah, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, enumeration district (ED) 100, page 10, dwelling 68, family 68, Willard Lund Family; digital images, Ancestry (Ancestry.com : downloaded 30 August 2011); Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Lines 1-3. Dwelling #63, Family #63.
Line 1. Lund, Lewis, W, M, 26, married, farmer, 6 mo. unemployed, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 2. —–. Minnie, W, F, 19, Wife, married, Strand Hat Maker, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 3. —–, Lewis, W, M, 1, Son, sick with measles, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Utah.

Cute young couple with a young son, who was unfortunately sick with the measles on the day of enumeration. I wonder what exactly a Strand Hat Maker is? At least I think it said Strand.

Lines 5-7. Dwelling #64, Family #64.
Line 5. Lund, Didrick, W, M, 60, married, Farmer, 8 mo. unemployed, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 6. —–, Catherine, W, F, 60, Wife, married, keeping house, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 7. Jacobson, Hanse, W, M, 19, Nephew, Single, Boarder, 9 mo. unemployed, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.

This is the first time I’ve seen the name Hanse Jacobson. He’s listed as a nephew, so I wonder who’s child he is…sibling of Didrick or Catherine (Karen). Interesting that Didrick is now using the last name name Lund.

Lines 25-29. Dwelling #68, Family #68.
Line 25. Lund, Willard, W, M, 21, married, farmer, 6 mo. unemployed, cannot write, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 26. —–, Bertie, W, F, 31, Wife, married, keeping house, pob: Norway, father pob: Norway, mother pob: Norway.
Line 27. —–, Annie, W, F, 10, Daughter, at school, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway.
Line 28. —–, Willard, W, M, 2, Son, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway.
Line 29. —–, George, W, M, 4/12, born in Feb 1880, Son, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway.

Now this is where it gets really interesting! Willard is 21 and married to Bertie (Bertha) who is 31. Quite an age difference. Then, Annie, their “daughter” is 10 years old…making Willard 11 years old when she was born. I doubt that he’s her biological father. So now I wonder, who was Bertie’s first husband? I did some digging and found that her first husband was Hans Peter Funk Lund – that’s right – Willard’s older brother! So Annie is really Willard’s niece and Bertie’s daughter. Young Willard and George are Annie’s brother-cousins! Awkward! I will definitely be looking into this some more.

Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 31 August 2011 | Posted in Census, Lund | Comment

Census 1900 – Karen "Funk" Lund – Plain City, Weber, Utah

Source: 1900 U.S. Census, Plain City, Weber, Utah, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, enumeration district (ED) 194, sheet 1, dwelling 12,, family 12, Karon C. Lund; digital images, Family Search (FamilySearch.org : downloaded 30 August 2011); FHL microfilm, 1854 reels.

Line 45. Dwelling #12, Family #12.
Lund, Karon C., Head, W, F, born Oct 1815, age 84, Widow,had 6 children 4 still living, place of birth: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark, immigrated 1871, in US for 29 years, can read, can write, can speak English, Owned, free, House.

A few interesting things about this census.

  1. Her name is misspelled as Karon instead of Karen.
  2. She’s using the Lund last name instead of Funk.
  3. Karen was living alone in a house in Plain City. 
  4. She never did end up naturalizing.
  5. She is listed as having had 6 children with 4 still living. I have 7 children’s names (although only 4 would be living in 1900).

Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 30 August 2011 | Posted in Census, Funk, Lund | Comment

Week 10: Wheels

Chapter 2 – Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)

Did you have a bicycle or a scooter? Tell me about it. How about skates or a go cart? Did you skate a lot? Ride your go cart a lot? Ever have a serious accident on these wheels?

How do you feel about skate boards?

Were these things important to you?

Was there a bicycle or pair of skates you did NOT have, but wished or dreamed or prayed for?

Do you remember any special cars or trucks that your family owned during these years? Anything unusual about these vehicles? I’d love to hear about it.

Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 28 August 2011 | Posted in Book of Memories | Comment

Week 9: Trucks & Dolls & ….

After a short hiatus (because of Finals and end of summer fun) we can now return to our “Book of Memories”.

Chapter 2 – Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)

I’d like to hear about the toys you played with as a young child. During these early years, did you have any toys or playthings that were particularly meaningful to you? What were they? Why were they so special?

Do you have any memories of a toy that you wished for but never received (or never got the chance to play with?) What was it? Why was that toy so important to you?

How about musical instruments? Did you learn (or try to learn) to play the piano, violin, trumpet or ??? Was music important or unimportant to you during these years?

What about dolls? Describe yours to me. Did they have names? Why was it, they, so special? Would you encourage your children or grandchildren to preserve or save these special toys? Why or why not?

Posted by jullianalund@gmail.com on 21 August 2011 | Posted in Book of Memories | Comment